Gospel.com Topics Feed - Neandertal 2008-01-05T13:08:51-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/neandertal/ Neandertal children's fossils http://answersingenesis.org/tj/v8/i2/fossil.asp 2008-01-05T13:08:51-05:00 In reconstructing fragmented bones of Neandertal children, evolutionists assume that rates of development were equal to or faster than modern children. Belief in faster development, or earlier maturation, arises from viewing Neandertals as more primitive, or more ape-like than modern humans. Making monkeys out of man http://answersingenesis.org/docs2/4371gc8-28-2000.asp 2008-01-05T13:05:32-05:00 The evolutionist’s notion that man evolved by chance from ape-like creatures is largely based upon certain anatomical similarities between apes and men. Being convinced that such similarities “prove” an evolutionary relationship, paleoanthropologists have declared certain fossil apes to be...