Gospel.com Topics Feed - Negative 2012-10-24T10:58:48-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/negative/ I'll Become What You Call Me - #6728 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/ill-become-what-you-call-me-6728 2012-10-24T10:58:48-05:00 Tell the people around you what they could be with the strengths that are there, even if you only see a little bit of it. Because by naming it, you can nurture it. Human Kindling - #6662 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/human-kindling-6662 2012-08-06T09:57:12-05:00 Maybe we should pray, "Dear Lord, I want to be water, and not wood on the fires around me." How to escape the negative brain rewiring by digital media http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/8766 2012-07-25T12:50:39-05:00 If you listen to no other audio talk this year, make it this one. Because it is foundational to everything you do online, and how that relates to your wider life. Michael Hyatt, author of the highly-recommended book Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World, shares some serious practical wisdom on how to counteract the negative things that digital media is doing to our brains and life patterns. The Place to Complain - #6575 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/the-place-to-complain-6575 2012-03-23T12:36:42-05:00 The Throne Room of God is the complaint department of the universe. So, let God deal with your complaints. You won't get action by complaining to all the employees. Skip them and go straight to the top. Tired But Still Ticking - #6452 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hard-times/tired-but-still-ticking-6452 2011-10-04T15:17:18-05:00 When a weary fisherman listened to Jesus in his weariest moments, he enjoyed a wonderful catch. He saw a miracle! Obey the Lord. Give, in those moments when you feel like giving out, and you will receive a surprise in return. Christ can enable you each day to be tired but still ticking. Staying in Mint Condition - #6405 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/staying-in-mint-condition-6405 2011-08-08T11:52:15-05:00 Let's not be afraid to preach a separated life. Let's not be afraid to live a life that's separated from any kind of sinful lifestyle. But let's always present it as God does. It's a positive, not a negative. Satan-Proofing - #5759 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hard-times/satan-proofing-5759 2009-09-09T16:09:54-05:00 Satan-proofing your life today might mean praying for someone you've had hard feelings toward, asking God to remove your bitterness and replace it with His love. It might mean staying away from negative people who make you negative, from friends who lead you where you should never go, or staying away from the music, or the Internet garbage, or the TV shows that wear you down morally, or turning your fears, or your worries totally over to God so the devil can't use them again to discourage or depress you. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Soul Cancer - #8159 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Life-That-Matters/Radio-Program/Soul-Cancer-8159 2009-01-05T12:02:57-05:00 ...when you keep on replaying the bad that someone’s done to you, it’s eventually going to turn into that soul cancer called bitterness. The more you feed on how they’ve wronged you, the more bitter you’re going to become.