Gospel.com Topics Feed - Newsletter 2013-04-19T13:35:23-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/newsletter/ Web Evangelism Bulletin - news on all aspects of digital evangelism http://internetevangelismday.com/bullfeed.xml 2013-04-19T13:35:23-05:00 This twice-monthly email newsletter brings news, ideas and strategies for all types of digital outreach. It is a part of the ministry of Internet Evangelism Day. Best Christian web evangelism, outreach strategy and church ministry blogs and newsletters http://internetevangelismday.com/christian-communication-blogs.php 2010-08-07T18:03:56-05:00 Here are some of the very best third-party blogs and newsletters available on these subjects. We have grouped them by their particular focus, though there is considerable overlap in subjects covered. ChurchSecretaryToday.com http://churchsecretarytoday.com/ 2007-12-20T14:33:59-05:00 Homepage for ChurchSecretaryToday.com, which combines the support of a professional newsletter mailed monthly with the power of the Online Resource Center.