Gospel.com Topics Feed - Partnership 2011-09-28T12:39:32-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/partnership/ Free ebook: Well Connected on mission and ministry partnerships http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/5756 2011-09-28T12:39:32-05:00 Phill Butler's highly recommended book is yours free. All you need to do is sign up here to be notified by email when the new Power of Connecting website is launched, and you get the download link immediately. The value of national or regional networks of people involved in web and digital ministry http://internetevangelismday.com/building-networks.php 2010-08-07T18:54:39-05:00 We are always stronger and more effective as part of a network or team. This is particularly true in web evangelism and digital outreach, which can for some be a solitary and isolated ministry. In North America, the Internet Evangelism Coalition started soon after the Web became a mainstream medium, and through a variety of projects including an annual conference and the development of Internet Evangelism Day, has advocated the Web as an effective means of outreach. However, in many other countries and regions of the world, there are no active networks of web evangelists. In some languages there is little or no online evangelism at all. There are different models for such networks; we are not proposing any single way of doing it. "Good work" in the Bible: Philippians 1:4-6 http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Philippians%201:4-6&version=NIV 2009-09-18T10:59:22-05:00 When God begins to do something in our lives--a "good work," as this passage puts it--He can be counted on to bring it to completion, and not to leave it half-finished. CSM New York City Highlight http://csm.org/cityhighlight200710.php 2008-04-29T17:28:22-05:00 CSM New York has just finished wrapping up a busy summer season…and is looking forward to another busy year! We spent our second summer in New York welcoming 34 different youth groups to the city and partnering them with over 30 different organizations in New York. Conference Call Webcasts | UrbanMinistry.org: Urban ministry sermons, MP3s, social network http://urbanministry.org/conference-call-webcasts 2007-11-01T16:49:56-05:00 TechMission's presentations offer models for developing a community computer center or youth technology program, show how AC4 members can help build organizational capacity, teach volunteer management & online safety principles & introduce the Ticket-to-Work program, a federal-FBO partnership. Encyclopedia of Grant Writing and Fund Raising | UrbanMinistry.org: Urban ministry sermons http://urbanministry.org/wiki/encyclopedia-grant-writing-and-fund-raising 2007-10-31T18:06:35-05:00 Contains how-to guides, templates, and fast research fact sheets for grant writing, as well as resources on fund raising and partnerships between government and faith-based organizations. Users can share what has helped their nonprofit build capacity.