Gospel.com Topics Feed - Paula Hendricks 2011-06-17T10:26:23-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/paula+hendricks/ True Woman: Joplin, Hookups, Romance Novels, and More http://truewoman.com/?id=1715 2011-06-17T10:26:23-05:00 The CNN Belief Blog featured an article by Dannah Gresh on May 31 titled “My Take: There’s Nothing Brief About a Hookup.” Last time I checked, there were 758 comments! True Woman: I'd Never Tell God "No" . . . Would I? http://truewoman.com/?id=1721 2011-06-17T10:19:51-05:00 I’ve known something for a while now that has had me really scared, and it’s this: I’m terrified of sharing the Gospel with unbelievers. So terrified that I’ve started telling God “No, I won’t—I can’t—tell them about You.” True Woman: What I Learned from Eight Women's Ministry Leaders http://truewoman.com/?id=1712 2011-06-17T10:13:16-05:00 “You only have to please one. I still struggle with the people pleasing thing, but that echoes in my head a lot. Accept the fact that you are who you are and minister out of who you are. That frees me up a bunch.” True Woman: Hilarious Giving, Three Lists, and An Opportunity http://truewoman.com/?id=1705 2011-05-26T16:21:31-05:00 I asked God to make me one crazy generous giver, and began to compile my third list: a list of people I’ve thought of giving to . . . wanted to give to . . . but never have. Then, I proceeded to have one of the most fun days ever! True Woman: A 20-Year-Old Writes About Biblical Womanhood for Teens http://truewoman.com/?id=1697 2011-05-26T16:13:20-05:00 Hear about the book, a little about Hannah’s story, and how it all comes back to Jesus. True Woman: On Impatience, Cakes, and Conferences http://truewoman.com/?id=1696 2011-05-26T16:10:20-05:00 The time has finally come. If you had attended a Monday morning prayer time with our team over the past few months, you would have heard me ask many times, “Any update on future True Woman Conferences?” True Woman: The Kimyal Tribe's Joyful Celebration http://truewoman.com/?id=1690 2011-05-26T16:05:45-05:00 Can you imagine what it would be like to have just received the New Testament in your own language for the very first time? True Woman: Getting to Know Brent Kassian and His Mary http://truewoman.com/?id=1686 2011-05-26T16:00:54-05:00 “Like any marriage, it’s not perfect and it’s not a fairy tale, but it sure seems like it’s perfect, and it sure seems like it’s a fairy tale." True Woman: God's On the Move in Little Rock . . . http://truewoman.com/?id=1679 2011-05-26T15:55:24-05:00 The Lord graciously awakened our church two weeks ago . . . and we will never be the same. True Woman: The Gospel Coalition Conference A La Carte Style http://truewoman.com/?id=1677 2011-04-15T10:45:25-05:00 You know how a child will take her first two steps and then fall face-first on the ground? To this day, Pastor Chandler has never met a father who exclaims, “Idiot!” when this happens. Rather, he cries, “Get the camera! Get the camera!” He celebrates the steps and sets his daughter back up after her fall. He knows she will just get better and better at walking.