Gospel.com Topics Feed - Porn 2010-08-23T13:36:58-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/porn/ Spiritual Self-Defense and Overcoming Temptation http://litmin.org/store/products.php?catid=1&do=list 2010-08-23T13:36:58-05:00 Sexual purity, discipleship handbooks that are easy to read and handy for constant referral. They offer clear biblical guidance to help men and boys resist sexual temptation, and give practical counsel to develop a lifestyle of purity. Love or lust - video clip comparison for sex versus love http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/312 2010-08-08T17:37:53-05:00 Grainger Community Church have produced this effective video clip. Porn and sex dangers on Internet: protect you and your family with accountability program or filter http://internetevangelismday.com/dangers.php 2010-08-08T16:08:57-05:00 not taken sufficient action to counter wrong uses of the Web. And because the Internet is a sort of worldwide library – that gives access to anyone, anything, anywhere, in seconds – the dangers and temptations are real. Internet Evangelism Day strongly believes that the Web is a tool God has given us for evangelism and discipleship. But as in any other form of ministry, you need God’s protection. [www.urbana.org/wtoday.ephesians.cfm?article=95] Because you may be using the Internet in the familiar surroundings of home or office, it may seem deceptively safe. Although we encourage many types of online evangelism, we also want to alert you to potential dangers. See, for instance, our warning about outreach at Second Life. If you are involved in starting online ministry, especially outreach, you will be under additional attack [www.urbana.org/_articles.cfm?recordid=107] and prayer partners are essential. How bad is it? Porn and Shallow Relationships on the Very Small Screen http://gospel.com/blog/index.php/2009/11/10/porn-and-shallow-relationships-on-the-very-small-screen/ 2009-11-11T16:51:50-05:00 How have you seen smart device usage affect your relationships? Have you seen positive change come about in any of your relationships because of technologies like the iPhone or Blackberry? XXXCHURCH.COM - Porn Help and Recovery http://xxxchurch.com/ 2008-06-26T11:21:32-05:00 XXXchurch.com is the top resource for those wanting to stop looking at porn. Accountability software: X3watch is provided free on their website, as well as helps, forums and resources for pastors, teens, spouses, men, women, parents, wives and couples. Help and recovery for pastors with a porn problem - XXXchurch http://xxxchurch.com/gethelp/pastors/intro.html 2008-06-26T10:57:04-05:00 XXXchurch - A safe place for pastors and ministers involved in pornography to talk about these issues and get help. If you you are a pastor dealing with a pornography problem, then today is the the day to walk away from everything that is holding you back and weighting you down. The guilt. The pain. The lies. There is hope, healing and recovery. XXXchurch - Teens: help with porn and masturbation - X3watch accountability software http://xxxchurch.com/gethelp/teens/intro.html 2008-06-26T09:30:11-05:00 What do you do to stop look at porn? This page is for teens that want some help with the issue of pornography. We know it is a big deal and we have outlined some action steps for you. Tell someone you trust about your struggle with porn. Tell a pastor, close friend or youth leader. You must confess to someone else. Yes it is hard, but you are not meant to do this alone. God has put those people in your life to help you through this and to keep you accountable. And the last step is to clean it up - change your ways. For instance ask you parents to put the computer in public area in the house. Also, get the free accountability software from X3watch.com on your computer • Find someone you trust that will ask you the tough questions on a regular basis. Have you looked at porn this week? What is tripping you up? What are you going to do today to change this area of your life? • X3watch is a 100% FREE program that you can download right now! This easy and no nonsense program tracks questionable websites that you visit and then sends a report to two accountability partners. Join thousands who are currently using this great software. Download it now >> x3watch.com Addressing the issue of porn at church - XXXchurch http://xxxchurch.com/gethelp/churches/ 2008-06-26T01:26:20-05:00 On this page you will find ideas and resources to help your church address the issues of porn. Recovery and healing programs are key. Resources such as free accountability software, X3watch, and the XXXchurch Porn Sunday program are outlined.