Gospel.com Topics Feed - Pornography Addiction 2008-06-26T11:21:32-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/pornography+addiction/ XXXCHURCH.COM - Porn Help and Recovery http://xxxchurch.com/ 2008-06-26T11:21:32-05:00 XXXchurch.com is the top resource for those wanting to stop looking at porn. Accountability software: X3watch is provided free on their website, as well as helps, forums and resources for pastors, teens, spouses, men, women, parents, wives and couples. Recovery from Pornography and Sexual Addiction - Recovery Steps, Accountability Tools http://safefamilies.org/recovery.php 2007-11-01T16:36:17-05:00 Provides plan for recovery for pornography and sexual addicts, as well as toolkit including presentations on fighting temptation, free Internet filtering software, and recommended accountability software. Sex Addict Quiz for Symptoms of Pornography Addiction: Am I A Sex Addict or Porn Addict? http://safefamilies.org/amiaddicted.php 2007-11-01T16:04:39-05:00 This 9 question self-assessment tests whether you are currently suffering from pornography or sexual addiction. The quiz could also be used as part of the counseling process. Statistics on Pornography/Sexual Addiction & its Effects on Families, Pastors, Churches http://safefamilies.org/sfStats.php 2007-11-01T15:59:41-05:00 Provides statistics on the prevalence of pornography in society and how it is destroying marriages and churches; also includes statistics on child pornography and online predators. Safe Families Manual: Resources on Online Safety, Pornography Addiction Recovery http://urbanministry.org/wiki/safe-families-manual 2007-11-01T15:53:12-05:00 Defines pornography addiction and presents stories of recovery. Includes church strategy for confronting pornography addiction, pastoral counseling advice, guidelines for online safety in families and nonprofit organizations, and computer filtering software recommendations. Steps of Pornography Addiction Recovery: Accountability Partner Guidelines http://safefamilies.org/pastorindividualstep2.php 2007-11-01T15:38:09-05:00 Brief description of qualities needed in an accountability partner, links to accountability questions and software to encourage personal accountability by logging pornographic websites visited. Escaping the Pornography Trap: Webcast on Addiction Recovery http://safefamilies.org/webcasts/recovery/Presentation_Files/index.html 2007-11-01T15:32:10-05:00 Presentation on the extent of the pornography problem, the nature of sexual sin, and the steps to recovery, including on-going accountability. What is Pornography Addiction and Sex Addiction? http://safefamilies.org/pornaddiction.php 2007-11-01T15:25:45-05:00 Pornography is both very alluring and very addictive. This brief article defines pornography and sex addiction, and offers a simple criterion to judge whether you are addicted. Pastors and Ministry Leaders' Steps for Counseling Pornography or Media Addicts http://safefamilies.org/pastorindividualstep0.php 2007-11-01T15:16:02-05:00 7-step guide for pastors and ministry leaders to help them get pornography addicts on the path to recovery. Includes links to resources on accountability groups, support groups, media sobriety and online safety, and professional counseling. Pornography Addiction Resources for Pastors to Help Christians, Churches and Addicts http://safefamilies.org/pastors.php 2007-11-01T14:39:51-05:00 Provides training for pastors to counsel pornography addicts and how they and their churches can promote recovery. Links to statistics on porn use, test for sexual addiction, and questions to use in counseling.