Gospel.com Topics Feed - Position 2013-05-28T11:51:13-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/position/ Useful infographic explaining how to get good search engine ranking for your website http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/10976 2013-05-28T11:51:13-05:00 We all hope for more search engine referrals. Here's what you should, and shouldn't, be doing to improve all your page rankings. The Tebow in All of Us - #6559 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/the-tebow-in-all-of-us-6559 2012-03-01T12:19:04-05:00 I guess what Tim Tebow's brand of faith shows more than anything is the magnet of having an identity that is anchored to Jesus Christ. No one can look at Tim Tebow, even those who despise his faith, and not think of Jesus. How about me? How about you? Hugging the Furniture - #6320 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-most-important-relationship/hugging-the-furniture-6320 2011-04-04T10:18:18-05:00 Maybe it's time for an inventory. You know we need one regularly. Could it be that I'm limiting God by my love for something that is earth stuff? Something I'm not willing to relinquish? The Fear of Losing Your Place - #6314 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-mission/the-fear-of-losing-your-place-6314 2011-03-30T16:39:27-05:00 Ask yourself, "Will I risk losing something precious or powerful to stand for my belief?" It's time to reaffirm whose you are, and whose you will be long after your current position is a memory. He will honor you if you honor Him. So, break out of the prison of loving men's praise more than God's. How people become Christians: Gray Matrix explains spiritual journey of conversion, salvation + growth http://internetevangelismday.com/gray-matrix.php 2010-08-07T17:43:15-05:00 Engel promoted a revolution. Not Engels the Marxist thinker, but James Engel the missiologist. He first outlined what has become known as the 'Engel Scale of Spiritual Decision'. This describes the way in which an individual, or by extension a whole group, progress in their understanding of the Gospel, as God's sovereign grace begins to illuminate their hearts. By understanding the way God communicates, we can become better co-communicators. Sheep Shoving - #5938 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/sheep-shoving-5938 2009-10-14T09:51:06-05:00 We like to be led. The destination the shepherd wants the sheep to go is the same, whether he's up front leading or behind pushing. What's different is how the sheep respond. If you have a sheep that isn't going where you're trying to take him or her, consider if part of the problem is the shepherd. White Flag Winners - #3038 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-mission/white-flag-winners-3038 2009-10-01T09:52:54-05:00 That area you have insisted on controlling, that part of you you've just stubbornly refused to yield, where you have insisted on things being your way - it's time to drop your sword and raise your white flag. It's time to surrender. In the shadow of your Jericho, this is your facedown on the ground crossroads. When it's Jesus you surrender to, surrender doesn't mean you lose, it means you are on the verge of some of the greatest victories of your life.