Gospel.com Topics Feed - Potential 2012-10-24T10:58:48-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/potential/ I'll Become What You Call Me - #6728 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/ill-become-what-you-call-me-6728 2012-10-24T10:58:48-05:00 Tell the people around you what they could be with the strengths that are there, even if you only see a little bit of it. Because by naming it, you can nurture it. Extraordinary Ordinary - #6713 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/extraordinary-ordinary-6713 2012-10-03T10:23:56-05:00 You say, "Oh, I'm just a Sunday School teacher. I'm just a helper. I'm just a choir member. I'm just an untrained, simple person who loves Jesus." You're not a "just a..." Stop it! Don't keep saying you're "just a..." You're not that if you open yourself up to letting the Holy Spirit make your ordinary extraordinary. Using sparetime to crowdsource projects online and collaborate http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/7148 2012-02-24T09:50:30-05:00 One of the properties of our anytime/everywhere Internet is that even small blocks of time can be used productively in ways that weren't possible before. Of course, the downside of this is that we may never relax or unhook from being totally available 24/7. Learn to disconnect too! However the Web does allow us to crowd-source or cooperate on projects from home, or when we are on the move... Garbage Picker Vision - #6495 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-mission/garbage-picker-vision-6495 2011-12-02T15:48:32-05:00 Somewhere near you is an assignment with a name; someone waiting for another person to see the Peter, or the rock, in them. Stop for someone that others might be walking past or even throwing away or trashing. Pick them up and patiently build them into all they were meant to be. Facebook and missions - the potential for cross-cultural outreach http://internetevangelismday.com/facebook-missions.php 2010-08-09T16:53:31-05:00 Because Facebook is worldwide in coverage with many language versions, it provides a range of opportunities for cross-cultural evangelism. There are multiple options for sharing the good news cross-culturally on Facebook. Digital Rivers Newtown - a short story illustrating the growth of social networking http://internetevangelismday.com/facebook-story.php 2010-08-09T16:51:46-05:00 It’s not often that a completely new town is built on unused open land. But that’s where Digital Rivers Newtown was constructed, in a previously undiscovered valley. People soon came flooding in to live, moving from surrounding settlements such as Printville and TVtown. Book review: Netcasters Using the Internet to Make Fishers of Men, by Craig von Buseck http://internetevangelismday.com/bookreviews/netcasters.php 2010-08-07T13:30:29-05:00 Von Buseck presents a unique overview into the vast and growing potential of the digital media to share the good news of Jesus. There has been no title like this since Andrew Careaga’s books in the early days of the Web. Its well-researched and visionary coverage, interviews and case studies are indispensable to anyone needing to understand the nature of the new media and how to use them effectively. Growing Amazing Gardens - #5983 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/growing-amazing-gardens-5983 2009-12-16T09:58:05-05:00 The eyes of Jesus don't just see what a person is; they see what a person could be, if someone would just water their potential with some encouragement, and praise, and believing in them. Jesus told Simon, "You are Simon, but you will be 'the rock.'" He saw what Simon could be, and in fact, what He became in Jesus' amazing garden. The Good News About Your Bad News - #5945 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-mission/the-good-news-about-your-bad-news-5945 2009-10-23T09:04:00-05:00 The majestic eagle, unlike most other birds, refuses to run and hide when a storm is approaching. He actually perches on the edge of his nest, waiting for the storm. Because he lets those powerful currents carry him higher than his wings can take him - until he's actually seeing the sun and looking down on his storm. Like the eagle, God wants you to use this storm to fly where you've never flown before. Church Growth Institute Mission and Statement of Faith http://churchgrowth.org/mission.html 2007-10-22T17:43:25-05:00 Mission... provide practical resources to help pastors, churches, and individuals reach their potential for Christ; promote spiritual growth in churches, thereby leading Christians to maturity and lost people to Christ; equip pastors so they can equip church members to do the work of the ministry