Gospel.com Topics Feed - Prayer Resources 2008-06-25T12:56:03-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/prayer+resources/ Pray http://biblica.com/bible/word/index.php?word_request=pray&selected_version_word=niv&match_type=phrase&limit_select=span&limit_testament=0&start_book=0&end_book=0&limit=50&sortby=bookorder 2008-06-25T12:56:03-05:00 What does the Bible say about the word "pray". Do a Bible word search and find out. Prayer http://intothyword.org/pages.asp?pageid=53498 2007-09-25T16:10:58-05:00 How is your prayer life? Is prayer your first response for all thoughts and encounters in your life? If not why not? Here are valuable resources for you to personally understand and apply prayer into your spiritual life. These resources on prayer can also be used for teaching material for sermons...