Gospel.com Topics Feed - Press 2010-08-11T09:14:15-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/press/ Media contacts for interview and press releases with news of Internet Evangelism Day http://internetevangelismday.com/publicity.php 2010-08-11T09:14:15-05:00 We offer below a range of news items and short articles which can be adapted and edited for any Christian magazine, church bulletin, email newsletter or the religion section of a secular newspaper. Write a church press release - get free publicity for church news or Christian groups http://internetevangelismday.com/writing-pressreleases.php 2010-08-08T06:10:41-05:00 Wouldn’t you love to have free advertising for your next event that doesn’t look like advertising? Well, that’s what a well-written press release can provide. Of course, the key here is “well-written”. Many people send out press releases only to have them discarded by the local media. This isn’t because the editor didn’t like the organization or didn’t want to print the release. Rather it was because in order to fix the release enough for publication would just take too much time. Press in the Bible: Philippians 3:14 http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Philippians%203:14&version=NIV 2009-09-30T18:05:40-05:00 Paul tells the Philippians that he is constantly pressing towards his goal. He presses towards the prize of heaven which he was promised through Jesus Christ