Gospel.com Topics Feed - Promote 2013-05-28T11:51:13-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/promote/ Useful infographic explaining how to get good search engine ranking for your website http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/10976 2013-05-28T11:51:13-05:00 We all hope for more search engine referrals. Here's what you should, and shouldn't, be doing to improve all your page rankings. Use Pinterest as an add-on to your church or ministry website http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/9397 2012-10-02T12:51:24-05:00 New kid on the block Pinterest can be very significant in driving traffic to your website. Consider whether a Pinterest page could be part of your overall strategy for church or ministry website. Getting more visitors to your church or nonprofit site or blog http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/8863 2012-08-14T12:03:21-05:00 Practical easy advice to implement on your site or blog. These are not things you need to pay an 'expert' to do, and be very leery of anyone offering guaranteed results or paid-for backlinks (which Google will penalize you for). Do make sure that every page of your site or blog has separate, visible, sharing buttons for the 'Big 4' social networking options: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+, which will share a ready-made well-worded post about that page, to each site. Interview with Michael Hyatt, author of new Platform book http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/8631 2012-07-11T17:53:55-05:00 A chance to listen to author Michael Hyatt, inteviewed by Michael Stelzner, writer of the valuable Social Media Examiner blog. Hyatt's new book 'Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World' is a practical step-by-step masterclass which is getting glowing reviews. We give it the very highest recommendation. Any non-profit, mission, charity, or church will benefit hugely from Hyatt’s insights. Infographics & book to help non-profits use Facebook and Twitter http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/8593 2012-07-03T13:12:34-05:00 Three infographics for the price of one: - Understanding your audience, strategies to use Facebook and Twitter, what to post. - More details on best times for posting. - Good content engages people on social media Understand search engine optimization and double your site visits http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/8563 2012-06-27T13:12:23-05:00 Many blogs and websites lose thousands of potential visitors because their owners do not understand how people search, or the way search engine ranking works. Yet search engine optimization (SEO) is not a dark secret art, only to be undertaken by paid consultants. The things you should be doing as a matter of course, on every page of your blog or website, are so simple… Facebook Fan Pages as landing pages to promote your site or ministry http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/1658 2010-08-09T16:38:44-05:00 Interesting to notice that commercial companies (including new film releases) are now featuring Facebook Fan Page URLs in their TV commercials. Rather than initially point to their website, they use their Fan Page as a landing page which then links directly to their main site. The advantage is that people may become fans, thereby: * opting in automatically to further news * displaying to their friends the Fan Page link and its posts * enabling discussion about the product or service featured in the Fan Page Fan Page (and Facebook Groups) are highly strategic opportunities, either to make known your ministry to other Christians, or to creatively connect with not-yet-Christians. And, starting today, Facebook are introducing a new Community Page option. Christian website promotion tips - how to get more site visitors: SEO and more. http://internetevangelismday.com/promote.php 2010-08-07T18:38:47-05:00 How can you get more visitors to your website? What can you do to stimulate traffic? Here's a checklist of 32 items you need to consider. Many of these you're probably doing already; others you meant to do and forgot about; still others you've never heard of.