Gospel.com Topics Feed - Qur'an 2008-01-24T08:28:06-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/qur%27an/ The People of the Book - recommended videos http://thepeopleofthebook.org/videosPofB.html 2008-01-24T08:28:06-05:00 Included on this page are a series of debates covering some key issues in Islam and Christianity. There are also videos about Islam in Europe, and about different groups within the Islamic community. Basic Teachings from the Koran (Qur'an) http://thepeopleofthebook.org/islam5Teaching.html 2007-09-22T13:37:24-05:00 Some basic concepts with a reference to where it is taught in the Qur'an. about The People of the Book http://thepeopleofthebook.org/about.html 2007-09-22T13:28:32-05:00 The Qur'an refers to Christians and Jews as "The People of the Book". We are very content to be identified as followers of 'Isa al-Masih (Jesus the Messiah) who base our life on the Word of God.