Gospel.com Topics Feed - Radiance 2013-01-18T11:07:04-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/radiance/ Emotional Clearasil - #6790 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-relationships/emotional-clearasil-6790 2013-01-18T11:07:04-05:00 When a woman feels like royalty, she starts to act like it. You won't change her by nagging, and yelling, ignoring her, name-calling, being harsh with her, attacking her, criticizing her. In fact, all you will probably do is delay the change. You change your wife as Christ changes us. And how does He do it? By patient, attentive, self-sacrificing, dying on a cross love. Lit Up From the Inside - #6552 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/lit-up-from-the-inside-6552 2012-02-21T11:30:40-05:00 If you're a woman, why not begin a beauty treatment on the inside? Let Christ do a makeover; He's good at those. And let His radiance and His magnetic glow come through you. You'll be a solid gold woman, beautiful, not because you're made up on the outside, but because you're lit up on the inside.