Gospel.com Topics Feed - Reformation Era 2011-05-06T10:02:57-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/reformation+era/ John Weatherford Preaches Through Prison Window http://chitorch.org/captivefaith/post-reformation/weatherford.php 2011-05-06T10:02:57-05:00 Account of the Post-Reformation era Baptist preacher John Weatherford who was imprisoned for his preaching. From Captive Faith, a production of Christian History Institute. James Ireland brutalized for faithful preaching http://chitorch.org/captivefaith/post-reformation/ireland.php 2011-05-06T10:01:41-05:00 Account of the Post-Reformation era prisoner James Ireland who was held and brutalized for his Baptist beliefs. From Captive Faith, a production of Christian History Institute. James Montgomery Enjoys Released from Jail http://chitorch.org/captivefaith/post-reformation/montgomery.php 2011-05-06T10:00:37-05:00 Account of the Post-Reformation era prisoner James Montgomery who suffered for printing the truth his newspaper. From Captive Faith, a production of Christian History Institute. Adoniram Judson in Burmese Prisons http://chitorch.org/captivefaith/post-reformation/judson.php 2011-05-06T09:59:24-05:00 Account of the Post-Reformation era prisoner Adoniram Judson who suffered acutely while in Burmese prisons. From Captive Faith, a production of Christian History Institute. Silvio Pellico Determines to Live Christianly in Prison http://chitorch.org/captivefaith/post-reformation/pellico.php 2011-05-06T09:58:19-05:00 Account of the Post-Reformation era revolutionary Silvio Pellico who became a Christian while in prison. From Captive Faith, a production of Christian History Institute. John Brown’s Final Speech and Prophecy http://chitorch.org/captivefaith/post-reformation/brown.php 2011-05-06T09:57:15-05:00 Account of the Post-Reformation era abolitionist prisoner John Brown. From Captive Faith, a production of Christian History Institute. George Borrow Threatens International Incident for Imprisonment http://chitorch.org/captivefaith/post-reformation/borrow.php 2011-05-06T09:56:24-05:00 Account of the Post-Reformation era prisoner George Borrow who created an international incident while captured. From Captive Faith, a production of Christian History Institute. George Thompson imprisoned for abolitionist activity http://chitorch.org/captivefaith/post-reformation/thompson.php 2011-05-06T09:55:09-05:00 Account of the Post-Reformation era prisoner George Thompson, jailed for abolitionist activity. From Captive Faith, a production of Christian History Institute. Inspector's Joy in a Chain Gang http://chitorch.org/captivefaith/post-reformation/inspector.php 2011-05-06T09:54:11-05:00 Account of a Post-Reformation era prisoner who went joyfully to a chain gang. From Captive Faith, a production of Christian History Institute. Robert Southwell Wrote Baroque Poems in Prison http://chitorch.org/captivefaith/reformation/southwell.php 2011-05-06T09:49:44-05:00 Account of the Reformation era martyr Robert Southwell who wrote poems in prison. From Captive Faith, a production of Christian History Institute.