Gospel.com Topics Feed - Relate 2012-11-09T10:33:31-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/relate/ How to ask questions about the popular culture around us http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/9671 2012-11-09T10:33:31-05:00 Lausanne's Cape Town Commitment "challenges us to be concerned about media awareness," writes Lars Dahle. "This includes helping people to 'develop a more critical awareness of the messages they receive, and of the worldview behind them'. In order to do this appropriately, we all need practical resources." Lars goes on to list a very useful range of questions to ask about news, documentaries, TV, movies, music, and much else. Resources to help Christians understand how to relate to and use culture http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/810 2010-08-09T16:11:13-05:00 It is vital that we learn to understand and relate to modern culture. Here are some helpful resources: Engaging in the cultural landscape – Ministry Toolbox article by Kevin G. Harney, adapted from his new book Organic Outreach for Ordinary People, Zondervan. 19-minute Q Talks conference session with Josh Jackson. 17-minute Q Talks conference session with Andy Crouch, author of Culture Making. Relating to the culture: effective Christian communication must relate to surrounding culture http://internetevangelismday.com/relating-culture.php 2010-08-07T18:22:00-05:00 There are right and wrong ways of relating to the culture around us. “Draw three large boats in relation to the sea: the first a submarine under the sea, the second a hovercraft above the sea, and the third a ship cutting through the sea. Imagine the sea is the culture that surrounds us and that the three boats represent three relationships Christians can have with culture. There are those who are submerged in it, those who hover above it, and those that are in it but not of it. Which boat most represents your relationship to the culture that surrounds you?”