Gospel.com Topics Feed - Remember 2013-10-29T06:00:06-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/remember/ A Bible Study for Thanksgiving http://faithgateway.com/bible-study-for-thanksgiving/ 2013-10-29T06:00:06-05:00 In our evening devotions with our boys (6 & 4 years old), my wife and I are walking through the Old Testament and have finished up Genesis and moved on to Moses.  As we started, we read this verse in Exodus chapter 1: “Then a new king, who did not know about Joseph, came to […] Dependence Day - #6648 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/dependence-day-6648 2012-07-05T15:38:44-05:00 Prayer is our language of dependency. You can pretty much tell how dependent you are on God by how often you feel the need to cry out to Him in prayer. There is so much more waiting for you if you'll only learn how powerful it is to recognize your powerlessness before God. Making New Memories - #6616 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-most-important-relationship/making-new-memories-6616 2012-05-21T09:33:47-05:00 You can't base a relationship with Christ on a scrapbook, no matter how impressive the past is. You can't just let the old missions satisfy you. You need some new experiences with Jesus. You need to be part of some new exploits for the King, places where you experience Christ's lordship in things that matter to you now. Your Aroma is There Longer Than You Are - #6390 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/your-aroma-is-there-longer-than-you-are-6390 2011-07-08T10:19:05-05:00 Your aroma? Yeah, it's there longer than you are, and the aroma that you should be leaving is the finest of fragrances. You should leave behind you a trail of joy, and peace, and blessing, making people feel important and listened to, cared about. Actually, what you should leave behind is the essence of Jesus. "Remember" in the Bible: Psalm 77:1-20 http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%2077.1-Psalm%2077.20&version=NIV 2009-07-20T10:28:26-05:00 When life is difficult, it's tempting to question whether God has forgotten all about us. The writer of this psalm asks that question, but takes heart in remembering God's faithfulness in the past.