Gospel.com Topics Feed - Risen 2013-03-28T10:43:58-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/risen/ The Dumbest Order In History - #6839 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-most-important-relationship/the-dumbest-order-in-history-6839 2013-03-28T10:43:58-05:00 Jesus is this very day, healing families that nothing else can heal, crushing Satan, lifting up the oppressed, protecting the vulnerable, reshaping nations, steering history, He's shattering addictions, He's defying disease, and He's making sinners like me into living proof that He is alive. Christ risen - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Timothy%202:8-9&version=NIV 2009-09-11T13:27:21-05:00 Christ has risen from the dead--there is no fact more important than that. Because Christ rose from the dead, we can be saved. That's the core message of the Gospel, and the message we are called to share with the world. "He is risen" in the Bible: Matthew 28:6 http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=matthew%2028:6&version=31 2009-07-13T16:36:29-05:00 On Easter morning two thousand years ago, an angel said the words that would change all of history: "He is not here; he has risen, just as he said." Those words form the basis for Easter and are the central hope of Christianity. Now that Christ has risen from the tomb, we can be restored to a relationship with God. The Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus http://biblica.com/niv/passagesearch.php?passage_request=Luke+24%3A1-53 2008-01-11T16:32:38-05:00 Central to the faith of Christianity is the resurrection of Jesus. Read this key passage as found in the Holy Bible, Luke 24:1-53. Matthew 28: 1- 20 - Into Thy Word Ministries http://70030.netministry.com/apps/articles/default.asp?articleid=34875&columnid=3803 2007-11-05T22:37:14-05:00 Jesus is Risen! The climax has come! All of our Lord’s life and mission have now reached the culmination. The history of man, his fallen state, the move of our Lord though history and our lives has interwoven to the finishing point. He lived on our behalf. He has died in our place...