Gospel.com Topics Feed - Sacrifice 2014-12-17T12:01:42-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/sacrifice/ A redemptive Christmas spider story from Germany and Ukraine http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/12683 2014-12-17T12:01:42-05:00 Out in a small town the other day, I stumbled upon a one-day Christmas market, and some hand-crafted glass jewelry caught my eye. Or, more specifically, beautiful hand-made spiders about 3 inches/8cms high, sitting over the other jewelry on display. Kindness is a Calling for all Christians http://faithgateway.com/kindness-is-a-calling-for-all-christians/ 2013-10-04T14:54:24-05:00 When we were growing up, my sister and I brought home stray kitties and puppies that had missing fur, broken limbs, and in one case, missing a leg altogether. The animals that had absolutely no hope of ever being adopted and were one breath away from their last—those were the ones we loved the most. […] For My Daddy Showed Me So http://faithgateway.com/for-my-daddy-showed-me-so/ 2013-10-04T14:48:40-05:00 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. — 1 John 3:16 Several years ago Nancy wrote to tell me the deep struggles she and her husband wrestled with over placing their severely handicapped son, Brad, in a residential facility. Should they bring him home? Did the […] Discipline http://faithgateway.com/discipline/ 2013-10-04T14:46:45-05:00 “I’ve never known a man worth his salt who in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn’t appreciate the grind, the discipline.” –Vincent Lombardi Discipline can mean different things to different people. To Lombardi, it meant hard work and sacrifice. Hard work isn’t just the number of hours invested or the blisters and bruises […] The Nip Factor - #6960 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hard-times/the-nip-factor-6960 2013-09-17T12:37:46-05:00 you will experience Christ's love and Christ's power on a new level as He overrules your tendency to snarl or to bite. The people around you don't need a wound from you, they need supernatural love. Walking Too Fast to Talk - #6869 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-relationships/walking-too-fast-to-talk-6869 2013-05-09T12:08:12-05:00 If you're married or if you're in love, the woman you love needs time to be heard. When a woman isn't heard, she starts to talk louder, and longer, and more often. And she nags because she's not been heard. That time with her needs to be a deliberate choice you make, a sacrificial choice, "I'm all yours, Honey, and I'm yours for a while." That kind of love will create a home that is a caring place, safe place for the man who lives there. He's Never Lost a Rescue - #6792 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-most-important-relationship/hes-never-lost-a-rescue-6792 2013-01-22T09:26:20-05:00 For you - for those you love - isn't it great to know that Christ rescues you from the death sentence of sin, and that He has never lost a rescue? Emotional Clearasil - #6790 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-relationships/emotional-clearasil-6790 2013-01-18T11:07:04-05:00 When a woman feels like royalty, she starts to act like it. You won't change her by nagging, and yelling, ignoring her, name-calling, being harsh with her, attacking her, criticizing her. In fact, all you will probably do is delay the change. You change your wife as Christ changes us. And how does He do it? By patient, attentive, self-sacrificing, dying on a cross love. Three Words On Your Bill - #6747 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-most-important-relationship/three-words-on-your-bill-6747 2012-11-26T12:05:08-05:00 A man I know stamped three incredible words on a huge debt, and Jesus wants to stamp those words on your bill with God: "Paid In Full." You don't ever have to carry the weight of your sin again, because Jesus said, "It is finished!" The Light in Your Night - #6622 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-most-important-relationship/the-light-in-your-night-6622 2012-05-29T10:06:11-05:00 All those religious hang-ups, all those lame arguments, all the proud resistance, all the spiritual pride just drops to the ground at the foot of His cross and you finally belong to the One you were made for.