Gospel.com Topics Feed - Sacrifice Of Praise 2009-09-15T14:05:13-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/sacrifice+of+praise/ Sacrifice of praise in the Bible - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Hebrews%2013:15&version=KJV 2009-09-15T14:05:13-05:00 The writer of Hebrews invites us to offer a sacrifice of praise to God continually. They tell us that our lips will produce fruit by giving thanks to His name. Hebrews 13:9-25 - Into Thy Word Ministries http://intothyword.org/apps/articles/default.asp?articleid=49039&columnid=3803 2008-10-29T18:39:38-05:00 Concluding Exhortations. So do not be led astray by false ideas, trends, or other things just because they are new. Rather, receive and build your strength in Christ's true Truth.