Gospel.com Topics Feed - Samaria 2009-08-18T17:32:36-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/samaria/ Samaria - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts%201:8&version=NIV 2009-08-18T17:32:36-05:00 Jesus' disciples were sent not only throughout Israel to preach His Gospel, but to foreign lands like Samaria as well. Christ made it clear that his message was for all people, not just any particular single nation. Russian The Church Meets Trouble http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/russian/The%20Church%20Meets%20Trouble%20Russian.pdf 2009-03-25T14:05:01-05:00 Russian: Ananias and Sapphira are deceivers and die. Many miracles are done by the apostles even though they are persecuted. Stephen is arrested and then stoned to death while asking God to forgive them. He is the first Christian martyr. The Christians flee and take the Gospel everywhere. Japanese The Church Meets Trouble http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/japanese/The%20Church%20Meets%20Trouble%20Japanese.pdf 2009-03-11T16:17:18-05:00 Japanese: Ananias and Sapphira are deceivers and die. Many miracles are done by the apostles even though they are persecuted. Stephen is arrested and then stoned to death while asking God to forgive them. He is the first Christian martyr. The Christians flee and take the Gospel everywhere. Russian The Woman at the Well http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/russian/The%20Woman%20at%20the%20Well%20Russian.pdf 2009-03-03T15:38:25-05:00 Russian: Jesus and His disciples come to Sychar in Samaria. At Jacob's well Jesus meets a Samaritan woman. Jesus tells her He can give her living water. He tells her she had 5 husbands. He tells her He is the Messiah. Many Samaritans believe in Him. ChineseT The Woman at the Well http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/chinese_traditional/The%20Woman%20at%20the%20Well%20ChineseT.pdf 2009-02-27T15:32:51-05:00 ChineseT: Jesus and His disciples come to Sychar in Samaria. At Jacob's well Jesus meets a Samaritan woman. Jesus tells her He can give her living water. He tells her she had 5 husbands. He tells her He is the Messiah. Many Samaritans believe in Him. Hebrew The Woman at the Well http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/hebrew/The%20Woman%20at%20the%20Well%20Hebrew.pdf 2009-02-27T14:03:30-05:00 Hebrew: Jesus and His disciples come to Sychar in Samaria. At Jacob's well Jesus meets a Samaritan woman. Jesus tells her He can give her living water. He tells her she had 5 husbands. He tells her He is the Messiah. Many Samaritans believe in Him. Hebrew The Church Meets Trouble http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/hebrew/The%20Church%20Meets%20Trouble%20Hebrew.pdf 2009-02-26T12:44:06-05:00 Hebrew: Ananias and Sapphira are deceivers and die. Many miracles are done by the apostles even though they are persecuted. Stephen is arrested and then stoned to death while asking God to forgive them. He is the first Christian martyr. The Christians flee and take the Gospel everywhere. Japanese The Woman at the Well http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/japanese/The%20Woman%20at%20the%20Well%20Japanese.pdf 2008-10-01T13:04:12-05:00 Japanese: Jesus and His disciples come to Sychar in Samaria. At Jacob's well Jesus meets a Samaritan woman. Jesus tells her He can give her living water. He tells her she had 5 husbands. He tells her He is the Messiah. Many Samaritans believe in Him. Hindi The Church Meets Trouble http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/hindi/The%20Church%20Meets%20Trouble%20Hindi.pdf 2008-06-03T11:48:18-05:00 Hindi: Ananias and Sapphira are deceivers and die. Many miracles are done by the apostles even though they are persecuted. Stephen is arrested and then stoned to death while asking God to forgive them. He is the first Christian martyr. The Christians flee and take the Gospel everywhere. Arabic The Church Meets Trouble http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/arabic/The%20Church%20Meets%20Trouble%20Arabic.pdf 2008-06-02T10:31:09-05:00 Arabic: Ananias and Sapphira are deceivers and die. Many miracles are done by the apostles even though they are persecuted. Stephen is arrested and then stoned to death while asking God to forgive them. He is the first Christian martyr. The Christians flee and take the Gospel everywhere.