Gospel.com Topics Feed - Self-reliance 2008-08-27T15:33:28-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/self-reliance/ Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Frustrating Harvests - #4392 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Word-With-You/Your-Personal-Power/Frustrating-Harvests-4392 2008-08-27T15:33:28-05:00 My gardener friend was thinking about his puny raspberries when he said to me, "Things just do a lot better when they're grown God's way." That applies to a lot more than berries. In fact, it may explain why the outcome you've been getting isn't what you'd been hoping for. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Respecting the Slope - #4782 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Word-With-You/Your-Hard-Times/Respecting-the-Slope-4782 2008-08-20T15:01:46-05:00 Remember, it isn't the mountain that kills those climbers, it's their own risk-taking carelessness and their arrogance. It won't be that temptation that causes you to fall, it will be your moral carelessness - the kind that flirts with falling by staying on a slope that you should never even go near. The deadly slope of sin and temptation - respect it. It has destroyed stronger people than you! Come down before you fall.