Gospel.com Topics Feed - Spouse 2012-09-04T10:42:26-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/spouse/ The Mission Right In Front of You - #6690 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-mission/the-mission-right-in-front-of-you-6690 2012-09-04T10:42:26-05:00 Your mate, your child - they may need your ear, your encouragement, your counsel as much as anyone you're going to see at that meeting. Look around your house for the needs that are right there before you, before you go charging off somewhere else to find the Lord's work. Hey, it's right there in front of you. The Altar - Whatever it Takes - #6085 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-relationships/the-altar-whatever-it-takes-6085 2010-05-07T11:42:44-05:00 Maybe you've almost put your life on hold until you find that man or woman to marry. Don't waste a precious day of your life waiting for what you don't have. Live this day - single or married - with all your heart! And don't let your waiting start to turn you hard and cynical and bitter or negative. Those kinds of responses insult the God who said He will meet your needs. "Spouse" in the Bible: Song of Solomon 4:8-10 http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Song%20of%20Solomon%204:8-10&version=31 2009-07-24T09:41:34-05:00 Song of Solomon is the story of two lovers told through poetic discourses written from one spouse to another. As each poem unfolds we intimately see the progression of their loving relationship. You Matter to Your Spouse http://ymexchange.com/Youth-Ministry-Articles/You-Matter-to-Your-Spouse.html 2008-02-13T14:14:08-05:00 As you continue on this journey called marriage, you still matter to your spouse.  When you hurt, he or she hurts.  When someone attacks you, he or she is also attacked. What should you look for in a spouse? http://intervarsity.org/greek/resources/2474 2008-02-13T13:56:04-05:00 What are the top qualities you look for in a spouse? What about the qualities you have to give to someone? What are the greatest needs of men and women anyway? Check out this Bible study to investigate the answers to these other questions.