Gospel.com Topics Feed - Square Inch Books 2012-04-03T14:53:38-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/square+inch+books/ The Day Metallica Came to Church - John Van Sloten http://faithaliveresources.org/Products/156000/the-day-metallica-came-to-church.aspx 2012-04-03T14:53:38-05:00 What do the music of Metallica and Bach, the film Crash, and stories about Batman have in commom? This new book explores how we can hear God's voice in all things. "John Van Sloten has developed a spiritual radar-system which picks up the vibes of the Spirit in the culture and the church. In this amazing book he shows us how we too can read the divine by radar, stay on course, and lead a supercharged life." Leonard Sweet, Drew University, George Fox University, Author of Nudge, sermons.com Leaving Egypt: Finding God in the Wilderness Places - Chuck DeGroat http://faithaliveresources.org/Products/156015/leaving-egypt.aspx 2012-04-03T14:52:24-05:00 Theologian Chuck DeGroat shows how our wilderness journey helps us face our fears, receive our new identity, experience transformation, and live into our newfound freedom. 150: Finding Your Story in the Psalms - Kevin Adams http://faithaliveresources.org/Products/156005/150.aspx 2012-04-03T14:50:09-05:00 Explore the psalms through the human experiences of joy, anger, pain, fear, and love as Kevin Adams tells the stories of real people crying out to God. Song of a Scientist - Calvin B DeWitt http://faithaliveresources.org/Products/156025/song-of-a-scientist.aspx 2012-04-03T14:48:30-05:00 Scientist Cal DeWitt probes God's Word and God's world, nudging us toward grateful stewardship and praise, joining the doxology of all creation.