Gospel.com Topics Feed - Suicide 2012-08-09T12:21:59-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/suicide/ Sharing a life-saving message to Facebook friend in crisis http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/8855 2012-08-09T12:21:59-05:00 Moving story of Tim Reilly sharing the good news through social media, at a critical point in a friend’s life. Two comments: - A prerequisite for this story: that Tim had a number of not-yet-followers as Facebook friends. - He was open to the guidance of God's Spirit on who to speak to, and to use real-time Facebook messaging rather than merely posting a comment or question. What lessons do you draw from this story? Revive Our Hearts: What to Do When Life Falls Apart, with Kim Jaggers http://reviveourhearts.com/topics/series.php?series=370&topic_name=Suffering 2011-05-26T16:27:04-05:00 Kim Jaggers appeared to have it all together. She had a handsome husband, a beautiful home, and was established in her church. When her seemingly perfect life began to fall apart, she was challenged to find out what truly mattered in life. Coping with Loneliness at Christmas http://delveintojesus.com/Reflections/37/Coping-with-Loneliness-at-Christmas.aspx 2009-12-08T20:03:02-05:00 Tis the season to be gloomy? That's how many of your friends feel during the holidays. Heres a short piece that can point them to the Friend who will never desert them. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Too Close to the Edge - #4853 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Word-With-You/Your-Hindrances/Too-Close-to-the-Edge-4853 2008-08-18T12:00:47-05:00 Suicide is also the ultimate act of selfishness toward the people who love you. They'll never recover from the awful agony of this decision. Don't do this to them. And suicide is the ultimate waste of the life Jesus gave His life for. He didn't die on that cross just to have you throw away the life He gave everything for. One last thing -- suicide is the ultimate surrender to the devil who hates you.