Gospel.com Topics Feed - Teenager 2013-10-30T06:00:06-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/teenager/ The Beauty of Broken: My Story and Likely Yours Too http://faithgateway.com/beauty-of-broken/ 2013-10-30T06:00:06-05:00 Editor’s Note: Former CEO of MOPS International Elisa Morgan shares, for the first time, the struggles of her own family in her new book, The Beauty of Broken. May you find encouragement in Elisa’s story and be assured there’s no such thing as a perfect family and that God makes beauty out of the broken. […] Teen Read Week – Top 10 Teen Fiction Picks for Fall! http://faithgateway.com/teen-read-week-top-10-fiction-picks-for-fall/ 2013-10-17T06:00:08-05:00 It can be hard to find clean teen fiction, but we’ve made your search easier this week as we celebrate Teen Read Week! Give teens books filled with exciting adventures and stories that deliver a great message! Teen Read Week is a literacy initiative of the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), and is held […] Teen Read Week – 21 Nonfiction Books for Teens http://faithgateway.com/teen-read-week-21-nonfiction-books-teens/ 2013-10-15T06:00:07-05:00 Celebrate Teen Read Week this week by giving your teens a great book for deepening their faith and changing their life from the inside out! Teen Read Week is a literacy initiative of the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), and is held annually the third week in October. Libraries across the United States will […] How to Talk to Daughters about Body Image http://faithgateway.com/how-to-talk-to-daughters-about-body-image/ 2013-10-04T14:52:40-05:00 Mothers whose daughters are having problems with eating and body image ask me, “Why? What have I done to cause my daughter to feel this way?” As parents there are roles we play within the family that can contribute to many forms of dysfunction, but in my opinion eating disorders are not exclusively a parental […] Getting Organized Before School Starts http://faithgateway.com/getting-organized-before-school-starts/ 2013-10-04T14:49:29-05:00 It’s time to start thinking about making the shift from the lazy days of summer to the more organized schedule of fall. I always hate to say goodbye to the relaxing family togetherness that we have enjoyed all summer long! To make the transition easier, and so I don’t have to carry the burden of […] Message to the Masses: new video faith resource for teens http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/10946 2013-05-20T18:54:08-05:00 A UK team has just launched a new online resource with video shorts, aimed at mid-to-late teens. It answers questions about faith in an outsider-friendly and accessible way, so it is ideal for youthgroup members to use and share. Spiritual questions in The Hunger Games movie http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/7630 2012-03-26T11:23:41-05:00 The Hunger Games movie has released across the world, with critical acclaim. It may not be a film that would appeal to your mother, or perhaps even you – if your demographic is not teens and twenties. But be assured, most of your church youthgroup and their peers will see this one. And it's definitely not a lightweight high school comedy. This is deep and serious. Amazing self-learning computer experiment with Indian children http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/5916 2011-10-12T11:07:52-05:00 Professor Sugata Mitra is the Indian academic who allowed poor Indian children to work out computers for themselves. But here's the challenge. For those kids who will have a web connection through these cheap tablets (or any other route), where will they find evangelistic material that is contextualized for their own culture, language and religion, and assumes they have zero Christian knowledge? Teens growing up online are in a different world than the rest of us http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/4348 2011-05-27T09:34:30-05:00 I'm not yet 30 years old, but my experience of the world growing up as a teenager is vastly different to that of teenagers today. It's been a shock to consider how different our worlds are. Below are a couple of documentaries by PBS that explore how the internet is changing every aspect of our lives, and the challenges for children who are growing up in this very different world. True Woman: A 20-Year-Old Writes About Biblical Womanhood for Teens http://truewoman.com/?id=1697 2011-05-26T16:13:20-05:00 Hear about the book, a little about Hannah’s story, and how it all comes back to Jesus.