Gospel.com Topics Feed - Tests 2008-05-14T22:06:29-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/tests/ Bulgarian God Tests Abrahams Love http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/bulgarian/God%20Tests%20Abrahams%20Love%20Bulgarian.pdf 2008-05-14T22:06:29-05:00 Bulgarian: God asks Abraham to take Isaac his only son, and offer him as a sacrifice. Abraham takes Isaac to a mountain & prepares to obey God. God provides a lamb instead, knowing that Abraham loves Him above all else. Abraham's servant looks for a wife for Isaac. God helps him bring back Rebekah. God Tests Abraham's Love http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/english/God%20Tests%20Abrahams%20Love%20English.pdf 2008-05-10T18:24:33-05:00 God asks Abraham to take Isaac his only son, and offer him as a sacrifice. Abraham takes Isaac to a mountain and prepares to obey God. God provides a lamb instead, knowing now that Abraham loves Him above all else. Abraham's servant goes to find a wife for Isaac and God helps him bring back Rebekah. Sex Addict Quiz for Symptoms of Pornography Addiction: Am I A Sex Addict or Porn Addict? http://safefamilies.org/amiaddicted.php 2007-11-01T16:04:39-05:00 This 9 question self-assessment tests whether you are currently suffering from pornography or sexual addiction. The quiz could also be used as part of the counseling process. What is Pornography Addiction and Sex Addiction? http://safefamilies.org/pornaddiction.php 2007-11-01T15:25:45-05:00 Pornography is both very alluring and very addictive. This brief article defines pornography and sex addiction, and offers a simple criterion to judge whether you are addicted.