Gospel.com Topics Feed - Thomas A Kempis 2011-01-18T15:33:04-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/thomas+a+kempis/ Kempis, Thomas á (ca. 1380-1471) | Christian History Institute http://chitorch.org/index.php/in-context/kempis/ 2011-01-18T15:33:04-05:00 Thomas á Kempis wrote a famous devotional work on following Christ from which we could have extracted any number of excellent quotes. His statement is one of Christian History Institute's series of notable Christian sayings In Context. Module 213: Thomas à Kempis | Christian History Institute http://chitorch.org/index.php/eras/medieval/kempis/ 2008-11-15T12:25:12-05:00 Christian History Institute's study module to accompany The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis. SermonIndex.net audio sermons: Thomas a Kempis http://sermonindex.net/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=671 2007-12-31T18:37:06-05:00 Over 15,000 audio and video sermons available from sermonindex.net. They are all freely downloadable from the website and can be shared freely for the glory of God.