Gospel.com Topics Feed - True Woman 2011-06-17T10:28:51-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/true+woman/ True Woman: How to Live with, and Love, Your Mother-In-Law http://truewoman.com/?id=1713 2011-06-17T10:28:51-05:00 I once heard someone say that the relationship between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the most fragile of all human relationships. True Woman: How to Live with, and Love, Your Daughter-In-Law http://truewoman.com/?id=1714 2011-06-17T10:28:01-05:00 Ruth and Naomi faced difficult circumstances and yet they loved each other well, respected each other, and were blessed because they decided that God’s standards for relationships applied to the way they treated each other. True Woman: Joplin, Hookups, Romance Novels, and More http://truewoman.com/?id=1715 2011-06-17T10:26:23-05:00 The CNN Belief Blog featured an article by Dannah Gresh on May 31 titled “My Take: There’s Nothing Brief About a Hookup.” Last time I checked, there were 758 comments! True Woman: Little Things Matter--A Lot http://truewoman.com/?id=1716 2011-06-17T10:24:57-05:00 My dad used to say it this way: “You are what you have been becoming. And you will be down the road what you are becoming now.” True Woman: Female Beauty Matters http://truewoman.com/?id=1718 2011-06-17T10:23:59-05:00 I admit it. The topic of woman’s appearance is trivial compared to the war on the other side of the world–but given the reality of our culture, it’s a battle that hits much closer to home. True Woman: Alzheimer's and Gospel Transformation http://truewoman.com/?id=1717 2011-06-17T10:23:03-05:00 nce he told me, "It's like I'm going down a ladder into a dark hole with no way out. I feel like Job and ask God why." Yet the darkness that shadowed his last days could not erase the blessing he had been to residents, staff, and families for so long. True Woman: Praying for Your Child's Future Mate http://truewoman.com/?id=1719 2011-06-17T10:22:04-05:00 The wedding that’s caught my attention this year isn’t the one most people were talking about early last month. I’m focused on one a little closer to home—my son’s. Since the time he was in the womb, we’ve prayed for the woman God had in mind for him and are absolutely delighted with His choice! True Woman: The Ultimate Wedding http://truewoman.com/?id=1720 2011-06-17T10:21:00-05:00 As we’ve shared in the preparations and enjoyed giving pre-marital counsel, my mind keeps returning to the Ultimate Wedding I’m longing to attend. True Woman: I'd Never Tell God "No" . . . Would I? http://truewoman.com/?id=1721 2011-06-17T10:19:51-05:00 I’ve known something for a while now that has had me really scared, and it’s this: I’m terrified of sharing the Gospel with unbelievers. So terrified that I’ve started telling God “No, I won’t—I can’t—tell them about You.” True Woman: You Are Responsible for Your Own Actions http://truewoman.com/?id=1724 2011-06-17T10:17:44-05:00 Circumstances certainly have bearing on our reactions, but the liberating concept for me—one that my dad emphasized even more as I got into my teenage years—was, “You will not have to give account to God for what someone else does to you. You will only be held accountable for how you respond.”