Gospel.com Topics Feed - Trusting 2011-08-08T11:57:33-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/trusting/ What the Quake Exposes - #6409 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/what-the-quake-exposes-6409 2011-08-08T11:57:33-05:00 Jonah revealed the high price of diverting our trust from the true God to another god. He said, "Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs" (Jonah 2:8). If we only knew all we could have from God...but for the idol. The Surprising Secret of Finding What You're Looking For - #3536 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/the-surprising-secret-of-finding-what-you-are-looking-for-3536 2009-09-22T09:44:00-05:00 What is it that you're really pursuing right now? Maybe it's someone for you to love or someone to love you, or a home, a car, a promotion, financial resources, maybe it's success in business, or a position in ministry. Well, notice what verbs aren't used in this blueprint for receiving the desires of your heart - it doesn't say "look for it, pursue it, insist on it, worry about it, or find some way to get it." No, here are the action words - "delight, commit, trust" - all directed to your Lord. Trusting in the Bible - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%20112:7&version=NIV 2009-09-10T16:34:48-05:00 This verse is part of a larger passage describing the qualities of a godly person. Here we learn that when we trust in God to take care of us, we won't be overly upset by bad news, because we can put it in the broader perspective of God's will. Beauty in Out-of-the-Way Places - #5789 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-most-important-relationship/beauty-in-out-of-the-way-places-5789 2009-09-10T10:59:54-05:00 Think about Hannah in the Old Testament. She was a childless woman who kept on trusting the Lord. She was beauty that no one saw except God. And He made her the mother of Samuel, the greatest spiritual leader of his time. And then there's Mary, the little known girl from a ridiculed, backwater village called Nazareth, but God knew all about her and He looked to her when it came time to find a mother to carry and to raise His Son. God seems to have special rewards for quiet, unnoticed faithfulness. Standing Against The Storm - #5779 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/standing-against-the-storm-5779 2009-09-10T10:40:02-05:00 You have the same God Hezekiah did, and He is Lord over this seemingly unstoppable storm. It's time for you to do what those Native American young people did last summer; get on your knees and you stand against that storm in Jesus' name. Do a Hezekiah - spread the threat out before your Lord. When you pray, don't focus on the threat, but like King Hezekiah, focus on the greatness and the total sovereignty of the God in whom you are trusting and unleash His authority on that storm! Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - A Father's Greatest Gift - #5670 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Word-With-You/Your-Relationships/A-Father-s-Greatest-Gift-5670 2008-10-15T16:43:28-05:00 As a father, you have a lot of important roles, but none so cosmic, so eternal as planting God in your son or daughter. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Clear Direction in a Thick Fog - #5669 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Word-With-You/Your-Mission/Clear-Direction-in-a-Thick-Fog-5669 2008-10-15T16:39:50-05:00 God has made promises that you have to hang onto now, even when because of the fog you can't see them working. So claim the promises He gave you when it was light, refuse the compromises and the shortcuts that seem so tempting right now. Don't trust your roller coaster emotions which have lied to you and led you into mistakes so many times before.