Gospel.com Topics Feed - Wall 2011-11-03T14:17:28-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/wall/ Big Men, Big Mistakes - #6469 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/big-men-big-mistakes-6469 2011-11-03T14:17:28-05:00 God's made it clear "your sin will find you out." He loves you too much to let you keep getting away with what will ultimately destroy you. We have to build our walls high around the places where we're vulnerable. And fall to our knees in repentance where we've strayed out of bounds before any more damage is done. Facebook wall landing page problem - how to ensure non-fans arrive on your Wall. http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/3015 2010-12-11T15:33:02-05:00 If you have a Facebook fan page, you absolutely must check what landing tab/page people arrive at if they are not already fans. Best way to do this is open the Facebook page in a different brand of browser – for instance the excellent Chrome – and do not log in to Facebook. That way, you will see what non-fans see. You may be surprised to find that what they land on is the Info tab/page, which may contain limited and unenticing information. And yes, this may happen even though, in the Edit Page permissions, you have set ‘Wall’ as your landing page for non-fans. Fox in the Bible - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Nehemiah%204:3&version=NIV 2009-09-10T16:01:53-05:00 Nehemiah faced many frustrations and setbacks when he was rebuilding the wall. In this verse we read of Tobiah's cynicism against the project. He says that if even a fox ran up that wall it would come down. "Wall" in the Bible: Ephesians 2:14-16 http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians%202:14-16&version=NIV 2009-07-28T10:45:42-05:00 In Ephesians, Paul says that God has destroyed the wall of hostility through Christ. The wall was the law with its commandments. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Wall Is Gone - #4024 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Word-With-You/Your-Hindrances/The-Wall-Is-Gone-4024 2008-08-01T16:49:53-05:00 There are so many good things that God wants to do in your life. He’s got love, peace and meaning that you’ve been looking for maybe your whole life. But there’s this wall. And it’s keeping you from so much God wants to give you.