Gospel.com Topics Feed - Watched 2011-04-21T10:00:34-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/watched/ You Never Know Who's Watching - #6332 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/you-never-know-who-s-watching-6332 2011-04-21T10:00:34-05:00 You just can't go off duty as a Christian; you're always His ambassador. So, pray through your day. Someone may be basing their verdict about Jesus on the way you handle your circumstances, your emotions, your situations. You never know who's watching. Driving Better When You're Being Watched - #5713 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-relationships/driving-better-when-you-are-being-watched-5713 2009-09-09T12:58:59-05:00 There is no greater incentive to spiritual sharpness than to know you are Christ's ambassador; that you are giving Him a reputation by everything you say and do. So, get both hands on the wheel, watch your speed, and drive very carefully. You're being watched, and someone's eternity may depend on what they see in you.