Gospel.com Topics Feed - Weary 2011-03-03T16:15:20-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/weary/ True Woman: Does It Matter What I Eat? http://truewoman.com/?id=1566 2011-03-03T16:15:20-05:00 If you’re feeling ragged these days, you might consider heeding the angel’s advice to Elijah:“Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you” (1 Kings 19:7). When the Eagle Can't Fly - #6171 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hard-times/when-the-eagle-can-t-fly-6171 2010-09-07T13:46:56-05:00 God hasn't allowed you to reach the end of you so you'll give up, but so you'll give up control! It's time to finally take your fingers off that steering wheel that you've held onto so tightly and relinquish all control to Almighty God. "I give up, Lord. I can't fix it. I can't figure it out. I can't contribute anything to a solution. I'm wiped out and I'm totally releasing all of me and all of my issues to You." "Come to me" in the Bible: Matthew 11:28 http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2011:28&version=NIV 2009-09-20T13:32:04-05:00 This is Jesus' famous invitation to find true rest from life's struggles in him. Dedication to Christ doesn't mean you'll be burdened with new worries. On the contrary, service to Christ means freedom from guilt and sin. Rest in the Bible: Matthew 11:28 http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt.11.28&version=NIV 2009-07-16T15:27:50-05:00 Many religions offer salvation to their followers, but at a price: rigorous rules, laws, moral guilt. By contrast, Jesus' invitation could not be simpler or more comforting: he calls the weary and the broken to come to him and find rest. "Weary" in the BIble: Matthew 11:28-29 http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2011:28-29&version=NIV 2009-07-16T11:17:30-05:00 Jesus invites the weary and broken-hearted to find rest in him. Jesus offers freedom from the burdens of life that no other religion or person can provide.