Gospel.com Topics Feed - Web Site 2010-08-07T18:46:51-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/web+site/ Avoiding idiom, writing simply: keys to effective Christian writing and web communication http://internetevangelismday.com/idiom.php 2010-08-07T18:46:51-05:00 ‘Idiom’ is the use of language in a way that is not literal. The English language is full of idioms. Unfortunately, they are not even universal around the English-speaking world. For people who speak English as a second language, idiom is even harder to understand. We use idiom all the time without realizing. Here are some really obvious ones... Christian website design: plan a Christian web site and assess your target audience http://internetevangelismday.com/starting.php 2010-08-07T18:31:56-05:00 People sometimes ask me, “I’m a novice. How do I start to design a website for our church or Internet ministry.” I think most are expecting a crash course in HTML or web-page design. And those can be important considerations. But the most important are nothing to do with technology. I tell people, “The first thing to do is answer two questions: 1. Who’s your target audience? 2. And what’s your purpose?