Gospel.com Topics Feed - World Religions 2008-04-08T22:46:37-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/world+religions/ Faith Facts: Using reason and evidence to promote Biblical Christianity http://faithfacts.org/ 2008-04-08T22:46:37-05:00 Is there such a thing as absolute truth? What about evolution and world religions such as Islam? What is our purpose in life? How do we get to heaven? Get answers using reason and evidence to examine religion. Bits & Blog--Faith Facts http://faithfacts.org/blog/gospel_com 2008-04-08T14:09:27-05:00 Bits & Blog is a monthly blog from Faith Facts. We will not overload your Inbox with messages. But if you would like to subscribe to this infrequent communication we promise to try to bring you bits of information we hope will be of interest to you.