Gospel.com Topics Feed - Worldliness 2009-09-21T10:41:55-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/worldliness/ Spiritual Land Mines - #3730 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/spiritual-land-mines-3730 2009-09-21T10:41:55-05:00 Usually, if your sin is because of your love for money, you'll leave a trail and you'll eventually be caught. Usually, if your sin is one of the love of the opposite sex, it will ultimately be exposed and punished. But perhaps the most insidious spiritual land mine of all is the love of power. That one's hard to prove, hard to confront - but a prideful, power-loving spiritual leader can often maim and scar and even destroy people for a lifetime without ever being stopped. Greg Gordon : Worldly Saints http://sermonindex.net/modules/articles/index.php?view=article&aid=19430 2008-01-23T11:00:35-05:00 Since the inception of the Church, the Gospel of Christ preached with the requirements of repentance and discipleship. Presently, the “High-Calling in Christ Jesus,” has never been offered at such a low level. Forgiveness without repentance, discipleship without obedience, salvation... Greg Gordon : Worldliness Is Wrong! Dear Church http://sermonindex.net/modules/articles/index.php?view=article&aid=20451 2008-01-23T10:59:44-05:00 The world is too much amongst us! God has called his church to be separate from the world. “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye seperate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.” God desires a Church that is “perfecting holiness in the fear of God... Charles G. Finney : Conformity to the World http://sermonindex.net/modules/articles/index.php?view=article&aid=561 2008-01-09T13:06:57-05:00 IT will be recollected by some who are present, that some time since I made use of this text in preaching in this place, but the object of this evening's discourse is so far different that it is not improper to employ the same text again. The following is the order in which I...