Gospel.com Topics Feed - Worship 2013-11-14T06:00:03-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/worship/ Thankful Thursday: We’re Created to Celebrate Together http://faithgateway.com/thankful-thursday-we-re-created-to-celebrate-together/ 2013-11-14T06:00:03-05:00 Throughout the month of November, Devotionals Daily will be celebrating Thankful Thursday! Join us every Thursday as we meditate on all of God’s rich blessings in our lives and spend time expressing thankfulness to Him. Prepare your own personal Thankful List and plan to share it with friends on family on Thanksgiving Day! When you meet together, sing psalms, hymns, […] What Is Worship? http://faithgateway.com/worship/ 2013-10-16T06:00:03-05:00 The word worship is often used interchangeably with several elements that are tied to a church. But what is worship? How do we know that what we are doing is actually worship? To answer these questions, we must seek advice from the Word of God. Worship in the Bible Abraham was said to have worshiped […] How Do I Find a Good Church? http://faithgateway.com/how-to-find-good-church/ 2013-10-04T14:52:13-05:00 One of the questions I am most frequently asked is “How do I find a good church?” This question has taken on added significance in recent years because of the massive impact televangelism has had on our culture. In all too may cases, worship has been replaced with entertainment, and fellowship has been transformed into individualism. […] Wanting to be King - #6768 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-most-important-relationship/wanting-to-be-king-6768 2012-12-20T09:52:41-05:00 As we count down to our annual visit to the manger, let me ask you, "Who's king in your life?" "Who's driving?" We don't mind the baby in a manger; that's kind of sweet. We don't even mind the Savior on the cross, but king on the throne; king of my life? Him driving? That's another story. What was Old Testament music really like? http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/6278 2011-11-21T04:52:34-05:00 When the Bible speaks of King David singing with his harp, or of Temple worship, what did it sound like. Probably not so different to today's synagogue cantors, minus the modern instruments and amplifiers. Listen to them here. A 3-D Savior - #6294 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-most-important-relationship/a-3-d-savior-6294 2011-03-11T16:08:02-05:00 There are three dimensions of knowing Jesus. The problem might be that one dimension is out of focus for you, or maybe not even in the picture. So why not go for it all? Work for Him, be with Him, worship Him. True Woman: Sacred Deprivation http://truewoman.com/?id=1550 2011-03-03T16:27:29-05:00 It was in that exhausted stated that I had an epiphany. I’m not tired from a lack of sleep. I’m tired from a lack of the sacred. True Woman: Worshiping with Peanut Butter and Birdseed http://truewoman.com/?id=1615 2011-03-03T11:47:51-05:00 The birds know who the Lord is. And they were willing to share their secret with me. Psalms LifeGuide Bible Study http://ivpress.com/cgi-ivpress/book.pl/code=3034 2010-11-09T21:24:33-05:00 The Psalms show you how to relate to God as you pray your doubt, fears and anger. They show you how to respond to God in praise. Here you find the best place to explore who you are and what God means to you. Revive Our Hearts: Habakkuk: Moving from Fear to Faith http://reviveourhearts.com/topics/series.php?series=205&topic_name=God 2010-10-07T16:42:37-05:00 Do you ever feel like God is not hearing your prayer? The prophet Habakkuk did. He looked at the injustice around him and wondered why God did not seem to change the situation. As he continued to look to God, the prophet ended up getting answers—but they were far different from what he expected. Learn how to worship in the middle of worry, confusion, and frustration in this practical series on Habakkuk.