Gospel.com Topics Feed - Youth Group 2009-11-25T15:20:47-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/youth+group/ Youth ministry to pregnant teenagers http://gospel.com/blog/index.php/2009/11/25/youth-ministry-to-pregnant-teenagers/ 2009-11-25T15:20:47-05:00 Were you ever in a youth group with a teenage mother? Were you ever a teenage mother in a youth group? How would you handle the situation if you were a youth leader? Ask Me Anything 2: J. Budziszewski http://navpress.com/store/product.aspx?id=9781600061936 2008-06-09T19:01:52-05:00 Ask Me Anything 2 More Provocative Answers for College Students Real-life issues, from love and sex to hell and roommates The professor tackles hot topics that hit hard in college, like faith and reasoning The Ignatian Examen http://ymexchange.com/Youth-Ministry-Articles/The-Ignatian-Examen.html 2008-02-23T12:05:44-05:00 In the past few years there has been a huge resurgence of interest in ancient prayer practices. While these exercises never really went away, their emphasis on silence and listening seems to resonate deeply with the modern Christian CSM High School Internship http://csm.org/highschoolinternship.php 2007-11-06T17:59:44-05:00 CSM has a special opportunity during summer for a select group of high school students. Are you one of them? This two-week intensive internship is designed for individual students, ages 16 and older. CSM Seasonal Positions http://csm.org/seasonal.php 2007-11-06T17:59:15-05:00 If you like youth ministry and urban ministry, then the CSM city host position may be for you! A city host helps to "bridge the gap" between suburban/rural people and city people. Urban Short Term Mission Trips with the Center for Student Missions http://csm.org/joinusfulltime.php 2007-11-06T17:58:47-05:00 Full-time positions available at CSM. CSM City Highlights http://csm.org/cityhighlightmain.php 2007-10-11T16:01:44-05:00 Each month CSM highlights one of our city sites to give you an in-depth look at what's happening in urban centers throughout North America. Latest News at CSM http://csm.org/latestnews.php 2007-10-11T16:01:21-05:00 The latest news from CSM. Subscribe to CSM's E-Letter http://csm.org/subscribetocsm.php 2007-10-11T16:00:45-05:00 Stay updated with CSM's monthly E-Letter! Enter your email address to subscribe. CSM Urban Update Blog http://csm.org/blog.php 2007-10-11T16:00:22-05:00 Read about the latest happenings at your favorite City Sites and about other people's urban mission experiences on CSM's own Urban Update Blog!