Gospel.com Topics Feed - Zimbabwe 2008-06-30T12:19:04-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/zimbabwe/ Ndebele Bible http://ibs.org/bibles/ndebele/index.php 2008-06-30T12:19:04-05:00 This translation of the Bible is for the Ndebele language, which is primarily used in Zimbabwe. This translation uses an informal language style and applies a meaning-based translation philosophy. It is translated consulting the biblical languages was completed in January 2002. Mission Network News reports Zimbabwe is awaiting a change. http://mnnonline.org/article/11078 2008-04-03T22:52:00-05:00 Zimbabwe (MNN) ― Zimbabwe is awaiting a change that is likely to bring with it, hope. While the Opposition Party is declaring a win, President Robert Mugabe's party says that claim is not based on official results.