A.W. Pink : Communion
This means just what it says. Christian reader, there ought to be no restraint between you and the Lover of your soul. He would have you be on, and maintain, more intimate terms with Himself, than with any human creature. He is always accessible, and never changes in His feelings...
A.W. Pink : Churches of God
The ignorance which prevails in Christendom today concerning the truth about the Churches of God is deeper and more general than error on any other Scriptural subject. Many who are quite sound evangelically and are well taught on what we call the great fundamentals of the faith...
A.W. Pink : Bearing the Rod
As we turn to the Holy Scriptures for light upon this subject of Trouble, Suffering, Affliction, Tribulation, Persecution etc., we discover two distinct and different lines of Truth thereon, running all trough the Word. On the one hand we read that, “We must through much tribulation...
A.W. Pink : Anxiety
First, by begging the Holy Spirit to grant us a deeper conviction of its enormity. Second, by making it a subject of special and earnest prayer, that we may be delivered from this evil. Third, by watching its beginning, and as soon as we are conscious of harassm
A.W. Pink : Another Gospel
Satan is the arch-counterfeiter. The Devil is now busy at work in the same field in which the Lord sowed the good seed. He is seeking to prevent the growth of the wheat by another plant, the tares, which closely resembles the wheat in appearance...
A.W. Pink : An Honest Heart
If there is one thing more than another which we seek to keep in mind while preparing articles for these pages it is the need for and importance of preserving the balance of Truth, for we have long been convinced that untold harm has been done to souls through failure at this point...
A.W. Pink : Affliction and Glory
These words supply us with a reason why we should not faint under trials nor be overwhelmed by misfortunes. They teach us to look at the trials of time in the light of eternity. They affirm that the present buffetings of the Christian exercise a beneficent effect on the inner man...
A.W. Pink : Access to God
The matter of our approach into the presence of God is one of vital importance, yet it is one (like so many others these days) upon which much confusion and misconception exists. We will not now attempt to canvass the principal errors pertaining thereto, for there would be little profit...
A.W. Pink : A Tender Heart
“Because thine heart was tender” (2 Kings 22:19). We have already considered the circumstances and significance of these words last month. Let us now proffer a few remarks upon how a tender heart may be preserved. This is a matter of great importance, for though such a most desirable possession be o
A.W. Pink : A Call to Separation
"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship hath righteausiess with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" (2 Cor. 6:14-18) This passage gives utterance to a Divine exhortation for those belonging to Christ to hold aloof from all intimate...
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