Hells Best Kept Secret, Ray Comfort
Have you discovered "Hell's Best Kept Secret?" One pastor listened to it 250 times. Pastor Bob Rogers said, "I have served as a local pastor, Teen Challenge Director, Crusade Director for David Wilkerson, and missionary, but never during those years did I encounter an...
A Burning Heart, Leonard Ravenhill
Ravenhill speaks from a text in Isaiah and speaks much about the role of the prophet. But really this is just him sharing his heart for revival and on the lukewarm condition of the church. You can really sense his burden as he just shares as the Spirit leads...
Seek My Face, Richard Owen Roberts
Richard Owen Roberts speaks of the lofty and majestic God that we are to seek with all our hearts. He paints a tremendous picture of man and how seeking after God is an humbling task. This is an all important subject and worthy of a listen.
Judgment Seat of Christ, Leonard Ravenhill
This is a powerful message on the Judgement Seat of Christ. This message will challange you to question the way you are living as a Christian today compared to the eternal reality that we are going to go before God one day to give an account of our life...
The Revival Hymn (video), Compilations
This is a very powerful video message that will stir your spirit for revival! Clips of following speakers included in this message: Ian Paisley, Leonard Ravenhill, Paris Reidhead, Duncan Campbell, A.W. Tozer, T. Austin Sparks.
Hell, What Is It Like?, David Wilkerson
This is a very sobering message on the reality of hell. Barely any preachers these days would even dare to preach on this subject but how sad that falls from the new testament normal of hell as a normal doctrine taught and discussed. Jesus spoke of hell more then heaven, listen carefully...
A Man Of God (video), Leonard Ravenhill
Leonard Ravenhill pours out his heart on many issues that are important to the Church situation we find ourselves in. There are many keys to revival and the Christian life given in this recording. The duration of this video is about two hours long, you will not be the same after watching it.
The Revival Hymn (high-quality), Compilations
This is a very powerful audio message that will stir your spirit for revival! Clips of following speakers included in this message: Ian Paisley, Leonard Ravenhill, Paris Reidhead, Duncan Campbell, A.W. Tozer, T. Austin Sparks. This is probably one of the most potent and powerful audio recordings on
Ten Shekels and a Shirt, Paris Reidhead
Paris Reidhead preaches what could be called one of the most influntial sermons of the 20th century. The real point of this sermon is an indictment of individuals and organizations practising humanism behind a mask of Christianity! "This sermon should be preached on a regular basis in every...
A.B. Simpson : Abraham believed God
Abraham's faith reposed in God Himself. He knew the God he was dealing with. It was a personal confidence in One whom he could utterly trust. The real secret of Abraham's whole life was in his friendship with God. He knew God to be his great, good and faithful Friend. Taking Him at His word, he step
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