Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
An international ministry of apologetics and evangelism—answering skeptics' questions about Christianity and helping Christians better understand their own beliefs.
What’s the point of apologetics?
Are Christian apologetics necessary... or even useful? Apologetics refers to the defense of the...
New Ravi Zacharias website
Ravi Zacharias International Ministries has a new website! It's definitely worth visiting,...
[Culture Week] Morality and the "new atheism"
The last few years have seen a great deal of renewed attention given to the claims of...
Are Christianity and Hinduism compatible?
Are the teachings of Jesus and Krishna compatible? The teachings of Krishna and Hinduism are...
Can we prove the existence of God?
Does God exist? Is there scientific evidence for the existence of a Creator? What reasons, if...
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Free video shorts that correct myths about New Testament
"But everyone knows that the New Testament was [insert common myth here]." There are so many misapprehensions floating around the Web and modern culture, we need to have good accessible and authoritative refutations available. Help is at hand.
God: New Evidence has launched a new series of video shorts called Jesus Myths. Also curated on their YouTube channel, it is the work of moments to embed into a blog or website, post to Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest, or download to project in a meeting. You can also discuss the videos on the God: New Evidence Facebook page.
New C S Lewis book by Alister McGrath is a 'wardrobe door' into Lewis
This book is a highly readable and well-researched study. I was constantly wishing it could be twice as long, to give us more detail and background! Happily, there is more material – in McGrath's academic Lewis study The Intellectual World of C. S. Lewis.
Unlike most earlier biographers of Lewis, McGrath is too young to have known Lewis as an adult, so he can develop a more dispassionate balance. He also avoids speculation – this is an evidence-based biography using detailed study of published or public sources, He has chronologically crosschecked the relatively recent Collected Letters of C. S. Lewis with the rest of Lewis’s timeline and all his published books, leading to an interesting new discovery.
Jesus Myths video series released by Focus apologetics ministry
The latest series of video shorts from UK apologetics ministry Focus is now available online and on DVD. Titled Jesus Myths, "it unpacks the modern world’s myths about Jesus, and gets at the facts behind the fictions," says Focus founder Dave Couchman.
Christian evangelism or manipulative propaganda - what's the difference?
Daily Writing Tips is a – well, there's a clue in the title. A valuable email on many different aspects of writing, often about grammar or sentence construction.
But a recent topic covered was a bit different – an analysis of 50 types of propaganda.
As I read down the list, I began to squirm. Many of these methods sounded awfully familiar. Chillingly so. Manipulative...
Apologetics: C.S. Lewis | Christian History Institute
C.S. Lewis, the atheist scholar who became an Anglican, an apologist, and a patron saint of Christians everywhere. From Christian History magazine
Kids and comedy - side-splitting video clip: questions about Jesus
Outnumbered is a BBC sitcom about a long-suffering couple with three smart children. Sadly for those outside UK, it is not streamed or archived on the BBC site (it does have some clips here and here) but it is available worldwide on DVD (Region 2). Here’s an incredibly funny clip that has gone viral, with 9-year-old Ben slow-grilling a minister.
True Woman Blog: Defending the Faith
People who argue against the existence of God need to be pointed to the evidence that supports His reality.
Evangelism starting where people are - and free cardboard apologetics tool
A problem with many gospel presentations is that they are ‘finishing’, ’sealing the deal’ proposals, rather than ‘idea starting’, ‘intriguing the lost’, question posers. People who don’t even know there’s a ‘deal’ available, or who have rejected formulaic agendas that don’t engage, may find something else way more helpful. Peter Scheele’s square round triangle video clip is such a presentation – follow this link to buy a round square triangle (US residents) or download an PDF cutout pattern to make your own.
Christian apologetics: using apologetics answers and discussion in evangelism online outreach
Although many non-Christians have no interest in discussing apologetics issues with Christians, there are some who have the mindset to ask questions and debate issues. Indeed, in the modern world where there is no longer any consensus about truth and values, apologetics can still be strategic.
Book review: The New Media Frontier, by J Reynolds and R Overton
This valuable handbook features sections from 14 contributors, each expert in their fields, and actually covers more ground than the title implies. Its main purpose is to help us understand the digital media and how they are changing communication for ever. Blogging, podcasting, apologetics, evangelism, and the Christian academic world are all examined critically. There’s a helpful section on the development of distance learning. Journalism and ethics are explored too.