A Biblical Introduction to Singleness
So what exactly does the bible say about singleness? Should everybody yearn to be married? At...
The Bible
Two Testaments. Over sixty books. Hundreds of chapters. Tens of thousands of verses. Hundreds...
How to read your Bible
So you're interested in reading the Bible... where do you start? The Bible's not like a novel, or...
Bible Translations
I've been using my navy blue, leather-bound Bible for years. Flipping through it shows the marks...
Powered by 4: helping you get into the Bible-reading habit
There are an awful lot of Bible reading plans out there, and if we keep talking about them here...
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Why God is Turning Up the Volume - #6213
If God's been turning up the volume, don't just turn over and go back to sleep. The noise will only get louder. Because God loves you too much to stop trying to get your attention; to stop working on you to live the way He created you to live. The sooner you wake up, the sooner it will let up.
The Reason You May Be Lost - #6212
Right now, God is pulling up beside you. He's waving you away from the wrong way you're going, waving you back to going where He's going. Keep your eyes on your leader, not your goal. Stay close to Jesus. Be patient and go at His pace, in His time. It's actually the fastest way to get where your life is meant to be.
All The Good Stuff You're Missing - #6204
The pattern for aiming all of God's power at your situation: First, focus on your big, big God, not your big, big problem. Then, trust Him for the big, big things you need. But always put your praise before your please, your worship before your request.
Catching Fish, Cleaning Fish - #6200
The problem with the lost people you know is not their profanity or their dishonesty or their immorality - they're lost and they're living like it! Their real problem is they need a Savior! Yes, they must repent, but that's part of being rescued by Jesus from their sin! Don't make their lifestyle the issue. Make Jesus the issue, and say with the great spiritual fisherman, Paul, "When I came to you...I resolved to know nothing...except Jesus Christ and Him crucified" (1 Corinthians 2:1-2).
How Good Soldiers Go Down - #6192
Putting on your armor means consciously choosing the spiritual resources of Jesus as the ways you will respond to every attack. Don't concentrate on the attack that's coming your way. Concentrate instead on the things that make you strong - the full armor of God that makes Satan retreat!
Disproportionate Power - #6187
You plus God equals a majority, but if you try to anticipate the outcome based on earth math, you'll probably hold back, you'll probably miss the amazing thing God wants to do.
Expensive Peace - #6186
Hope is in Colossians 1:20, our word for today from the Word of God. God says His Son came to reconcile our broken relationship with Him "by making peace through His blood, shed on the cross." He climbed to the top of a hill called Skull Hill and died as the sacrifice for your sin.
The Person Behind The Words - #6184
When you go through a day without time in God's Word, it's not the Bible you're leaving there - it's Jesus. The Bible doesn't care if you show up. Jesus does. That's why you need to make your time with Him and His Word the highest priority of your personal schedule - the sun around which all the other planets of your day must revolve.
Bible Bloating - #6180
As you read the Bible, ask yourself two questions: "What is God saying here?" And "What am I going to do differently today because He said it?" God's Holy Spirit knows all about God's Word and all about your life. Each day ask God to show you how to bring those two together.
The Hand That Won't Let Go - #6175
When He died for you, He proved He's got the love that won't let you go. When He walked out of His grave on that first Easter morning, He proved He's got the power to hold onto you through everything life and death can throw at you.