Black Friday reflection: Stewardship in the Advent season
It's Black Friday! Thanksgiving is over, and Christmas is on the horizon—but unfortunately,...
Articles on Christmas
Here are a few Christmas articles and resources for you on this last Friday before Christmas....
Journey to Christmas with an Advent reading guide
Now that December is here, one cultural event commands our attention above all else: Christmas!...
The strange season of Advent
We're well into the Advent season, the period of time leading up to the Christmas celebration....
The Christmas story, as told by the original participants
The Christmas story contains some of the most memorable characters of all time: the virgin Mary,...
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That First Christmas
So [the shepherds] hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. — Luke 2:16 It would have been logical to expect God to tear open the Heavens and descend to Earth in majesty and power on that first Christmas night — but He didn’t. Instead, on that quiet night in Bethlehem, […]
The Word Became Flesh
Have you ever received a one-of-a-kind gift? Something unique, completely unlike anything you had ever seen or even heard of? When the apostle John referred to Jesus as the “only begotten of the Father,” the original Greek means “unique” or “one-of-a-kind.” And as God’s gift to us, Jesus — who is both fully God and […]
Keeping Christ in Christmas: 5 Easy, Intentional Ideas
I was just telling a friend today how I haven’t been in a very festive mood this December. It’s not that I don’t like celebrating, it’s just that my kids have come down with a pretty hefty case of what I like to call “The Christmas Gimmies” and it’s making me both sad and worried. […]
But Mary Sang
Before we get into the story of the one who comes at Christmas, and who He really was, I want to take you into a prelude — a prelude that is the story about the one person who knew Him best: Mary, His mother. Mary’s story is about a song she sang, before the Christmas […]
Christmas Manger Craft for Kids
Recently, I was chatting with my five-year-old about the upcoming holiday and had one of those “crawl under the table and hide because I’m so embarrassed” moments. You know those moments where you wonder, “Where did I go wrong as a mom?”. When I casually asked my son what Christmas was all about, he answered […]
Jesus’ Birth – Knit Together in a Human Womb
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, […]
The Real Meaning of Christmas
We hear it all the time, “don’t forget the meaning of Christmas.” Yet how many people know the real meaning of Christmas? According to a survey released this week by the American Bible Society, 94% of Americans celebrate Christmas but only 15% of Americans read the Bible’s account of the birth of Christ as part of their […]
What is Advent?
Advent began this week for Christians around the world, but do you really know what Advent is? Advent is the season of waiting for Christmas. It begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas, and it ends of Christmas Eve. Many people simplify by celebrating Advent from December 1 to 24, and this year, it just […]
God’s Comfort
Have you noticed that the best source of comfort is someone who has struggled with pain, sorrow, or loss? That is one reason why God offers His followers the gift of comfort, so that we can, in turn, give it to others. Yes, God sometimes allows tragedy to enter our lives, but He never intends […]
A Pagan Festival?
Shout and be glad. I am coming and I will live among you. — Zechariah 2:10 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; […]