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A Biblical Introduction to Singleness
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Sensitivity to Singleness in the Church
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What makes a healthy church?
This week at, we're asking an important question: what does it mean to be part of the...

What is this page?
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Why infographics are great for churches and nonprofits
“You win, infographics!” In communicating overall concepts quickly and simply, visual beats text. Learn how churches can use infographics, which apply also to non-profits and other teams.

Reach out to the people passing your church - make your website address big enough to read
If your church website is prioritized for outsiders (as it surely should be – Col. 4:5), then naturally you will want to attract many to your site. There are various ways to tell people, including contact cards, search engine optimization, and paid-for Google AdWords or Facebook adverts (which can be targeted very precisely, based on searches for your own town name). But here's the thing – the easy, no-brainer starting point is to display the church URL (web address) on the wall of your church building or street-side noticeboard, large enough to be easily read by people in passing vehicles.

Slide presentations that people remember and don't sleep through
How often have you sat (or slept) through slide presentations that were, well, forgettable confusion? Michael Hyatt is the communication guru who wrote the excellent book Platform – Get Noticed in a Noisy World. Here, he discusses issues in creating slide sets that actually communicate well.

Free ebooks on church digital ministry, social media and evangelism
Here's a wide range of free downloadable ebooks on digital ministry and social media for churches, nonprofits and individuals, evangelism, and more. Plus Microsoft free ebooks on all their software and products.

Teach over-65s to use Web in your church or community
There was a time, not so long ago, when web usage in the West was quite low for the over-65 demographic. But no longer, as the infographic below shows.

Being heard in a secular world: 21-min video by Sheridan Voysey
Sheridan Voysey is an Australian writer, speaker and broadcaster currently living in Oxford UK. You may have see his recent new book Resurrection Year, which has helped many. Check his blog. Here he is speaking at the November 2013 Christian New Media Conference in London. His insights into appropriate effective evangelism apply across the spectrum.

Engaging with 18-29 year olds requires digital evangelism
David Kinnaman highlights a critical issue facing the church today in this 2:53 video clip.

Using hashtags effectively - infographic from Huffington Post
Helpful infographic from Huffington Post on using hashtags effectively:

Latest Erik Qualman 'Socialnomics' video short released
Erik Qualman has done it again. Released his latest annual iteration of his view of the state of social media, as a 3-minute YouTube summary.

Understanding media and evangelism - conversation with Phil Cooke
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