Classic Sermons on Discipleship from
"Jesus said, Follow Me (Matt. 4:19; 9:9)." He called us to be, "set apart, challenged, and taught...
The Prayerful Disciple
I think we've all had questions about prayer: when should I do it, what's appropriate, what...
Studying God’s Word
We've all had times where we've neglected reading the bible. Frankly, sometimes it's just hard...
Modern Day Captives
Have you ever felt like a slave to sin? Do you know someone who might be? Setting Captives Free...
Discipleship Tools
'Extensive' and 'thorough' are the two words that come to mind when perusing the newest site from...
The ministries in the Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Useful For the Big Jobs - #8289 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
My friend Rick was driving to work one morning, praying that God would show him and his wife how He wanted to use them. He’s in the building trades and God answered his prayer by placing in his mind the image of a crescent wrench. Now, a crescent wrench is designed to be multi-purpose; you can adjust it for the job that needs to be done, and it has tough gripper jaws that dig in. And God was actually telling my friends that He would use them if they were like that wrench–adjustable, adaptable, but digging in wherever He puts them. It might be something in that wrench for you and me.
Making Life an Adventure - #5900
If your life has seemed a little claustrophobic lately, unsatisfying, boring, maybe you've been all wrapped up in yourself, maybe with some reason because of what you've been going through. But you're missing the adventure. You're missing the healing power of getting your eyes off yourself and onto who you can help.
The Sweet and Sour Strategy - #5898
Maybe you're naturally good at dropping the truth-bomb - the part that feels sour to the recipient. Or maybe you're good at the encouraging part - the sweet part. But one without the other is only half the story, and it leaves people either confronted but destroyed, or comforted but unchanged. Maybe you need the Lord to help you add some sweet to your sour - or some of the tough side to your sweet.
Hitting Pause - #5881
It's possible that God's been trying to say some very important things to you, things that would bring sense to your swirling world, but you can't hear Him because you're running so fast. Whatever the reason for your non-stop pace, I know there has to be someone listening right now to whom God is saying, "It's time to hit 'pause.'" Don't ignore His call to "be still and know that He is God."
God's Gerbils - #5784
Basically, there are three reasons people do Christian things: duty, recognition, or love. And the first two don't count. Maybe you've been busy for God mostly out of a sense of duty. That's why you're easily frustrated, often depleted, and way too stressed. It's a spiritual gerbil wheel, isn't it? You're Martha, fulfilling all your responsibilities, but you're neglecting your relationship with Jesus. And the relationship matters way more to Jesus than the responsibilities.
Discipleship - a Christian perspective
Jesus lays out the requirements for being his disciple, and it's an intimidating list: it requires being willing to leave all else behind and follow him. The point is that Christains must put Christ first in their lives, before everything else they own or know.
Disciple in the Bible: Matthew 28:18-20
This passage is Jesus' great command to his followers: to go out to the entire world and make new disciples in his name. Also known as the Great Commission, this is Jesus' call to us to evangelize and bring the Gospel to every corner of the world.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - What Makes the Marathon Worth It - #8140
It actually made me think of the race I’m trying to run, which is not for Olympic gold, but for something better. These six words: “Well done, good and faithful servant,” (Matthew 25:21) spoken by Jesus at the finish line of my life.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Help With Your Baggage
Maybe you have some crippling issues from your past. Maybe you recently received some bad news or are overloaded with stress. It could be that you’re carrying baggage from a divorce—your own or maybe your parents. Maybe there is some sort of abuse from a bad relationship. Some people are trying to carry the weight of a serious medical condition, a financial crisis, or maybe even a family issue. Today you might have some very heavy baggage.
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Feel Down at the Top
It is said that if you are at the top of Cadillac Mountain in Maine at daybreak, you will be one of the first Americans to see the sunrise that day. That would be something amazing to see, but you wouldn't want to make the valiant effort to get to the top of the mountain only to find the view there a big disappointment. Maybe you have experienced that feeling. You arrived somewhere you really wanted to go or you received something you really wanted, but it turned out to be disappointing.