Church history’s darkest moment? Looking back at the Crusades
What's the worst thing Christians have ever done?
If you said "the Crusades," it's hard to argue...
20th Century Missions Focus: Billy Graham and Others
Sometimes we needn't look too far into the past to glimpse amazing faith, and in some respects...
Happy birthday, Mendelssohn!
The Christian church may not be the musical trendsetter that it has been in past centuries, but...
Lincoln and Darwin: a tale of two culture-shapers
It's a big day for significant birthdays. 200 years ago today, two of the most influential men in...
The story of Saint Valentine
What is a Valentine, exactly? It's not just a mildly witty romantic card you pick up at the...
The ministries in the Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more audio sermons: 4 YEARS OF MINISTRY AT SERMONINDEX.NET
It is has been a night of praying and thinking upon some of the past times in this last four years of the Lord birthing What a joy it has been in running this ministry for the last four years and Oh what great a wonderful things the Lord has done. audio sermons: ABOUT SERMONINDEX: General Information
This page will cover some of the basic vision, core beliefs and information about the ministry. This is being compiled to help as a reference point for those that desire to know more about this ministry and God's dealings with it.