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Listening for My Language - #6979
We need to meet people where they are with a testimony out of our life that relates to their lives. Thousands came to Christ on this Day of Pentecost; the day that each one heard them speaking in his own language. Would you ask God to show you today how to speak the language of the people around you; to reach them with the words, the music, the issues, and the testimony that they will understand?


Say It In My Language - #6828
When a missionary goes to the mission field, they don't just transmit the Gospel, they translate the Gospel. That's why they go to language school before they go to the mission field. We need to translate the message. This is information upon which their eternity depends.


Suddenly Interested - #6823
Lives all around you are prisoners of Satan and prospects for hell. There are Christians compromising all around you, embarrassing their Lord, betraying their Lord. Lives are being lost to loneliness and emptiness because they're living without knowing God. How can you sit here when there's a war going on?


Who Scores the Points? - #6818
Success is not something you achieve; it's something you receive from God. You faithfully do your part, but it's a gift from Him to you. You're the instrument. You're not the musician. The instrument gets no credit. You're the glove; you're not the hand. The glove can't do anything. The hand in the glove does it all.


Slamming the Window On a Refreshing Wind - #6816
Be open to that new wind of the Holy Spirit. "Forget the old things" He says, "and open up to the streams that He wants to make in the desert." Is the Spirit trying to blow through your life, your church, your organization with a bold, new breeze? Well, don't slam the window!


A Chapter At a Time - #6811
God wants to build trust in Him in a day-to-day relationship. And so He shows us the story a little at a time. Like Abraham, your mission is to take the step He shows you today from His Word; not to worry about the whole big picture.


Heroes On the Beach - #6803
Maybe all your friends are Christian friends. Maybe all your free time is spent in Christian places, and yet you are surrounded by people whose lives are breaking apart like those ships long ago, who will die without Christ; who will spend eternity without Christ unless there is a Rescuer. And they won't come to the Life-Saving Station. You have to go where they are and bring them back like Jesus did.


Knowing How Long You'll Live - #6793
God's got work for you to do. The fact that you woke up this morning means that God has a destiny for you for this day. He's delivered you from every lion in your life so you could finish what He's put you on earth to do. What a way to live: fearlessly, confident, significantly! The Lord will rescue you from every attack except one. And that will be when He takes you safely to His heavenly kingdom.


Delivering Someone Else's Packages - #6765
I can row into this storm right now because God's power will be the difference, not mine. So, relax. Even if you're in the middle of mission impossible right now, God is getting the solution ready. All you have to do is be available to deliver someone else's package.


Just Go - #6759
Be sure it's His voice and then do it! What happened when Philip did? He found a prepared heart and a mission that made a transforming difference, and you will too. But first, you have to lay aside the caution and the rigidity that only goes when all the answers are there. After all, what is living by faith?
