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Black Friday Battles - #6750
I love this high tribute to David, the "man after God's own heart." It says, "He fights the Lord's battles" (1 Samuel 25:28). After all, those are the only ones worth fighting.


Editing the Name - #6744
Sometimes you hold back and you don't talk very openly about Jesus Christ because you know that's controversial. Listen, don't hold back! That's the power for answered prayer - Jesus' Name. It's the power that clarifies the real issue to people. Jesus is who they have to deal with. You're not deciding about my belief. You're deciding about Jesus. That's where the power is to change lives.


Fat Birds - #6742
Ask God to break your heart for those lost people around you; to take a piece of His heart and put it into yours. There are dying people all around you. Don't be that fat bird just staying in the nest.


A Heroic Ambassador - #6734
For a Jesus-ambassador, that message is clear. 1 Corinthians 2:2 - "Nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified." Uncluttered by politics, my church, or my religion, personal hobby-horses, culture issues, or lifestyle attacks. Just Jesus and His cross. A message so eternally important that it needs to be delivered, not in my churchy "Christianese" language, but in the non-religious language of the people that I'm there to reach.


Positioned to Make a Difference - #6715
Wherever God has positioned you, you can be sure it is to accomplish His divine purposes. God has a mission for you where you are. Be the best you can be, so you'll have people's respect, and know that you're where God wants you to assist Him at this place, at this time.


Going For Broke With Two Minutes Left - #6692
Don't wait any more. Time's going to run out - to fix that broken relationship; to get involved in the work of God's Kingdom. To deal with that hidden sin, and most of all, to live so there will be some people in heaven with you. The Bible talks about this urgency when it says, "Redeem the time," "buy up the time" because the days are evil.


The Mission Right In Front of You - #6690
Your mate, your child - they may need your ear, your encouragement, your counsel as much as anyone you're going to see at that meeting. Look around your house for the needs that are right there before you, before you go charging off somewhere else to find the Lord's work. Hey, it's right there in front of you.


The Answer Under Your Nose - #6689
maybe you're the answer to your own prayer. Maybe God is leading you to stop doing something or to start doing something. You're just not obeying; you're hoping for something easy. Quit running around looking for an answer. Stand back! Maybe you've got it. Maybe the answer is right in front of you.


How to Avoid a Spiritual Hernia - #6684
Don't get it backwards. You're not the vine producing the fruit. Jesus said, "I'm the vine. All you are is the branch."


Not So Secret Service - #6674
If we selfishly, carelessly drift from Jesus, we pull others with us, risking their destruction. Forever. Off duty? As the face of Jesus to people whose eternity depends on believing in Him? God, help me to always - always - leave the light on for them.
