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Braving the Cold, Building a Fire - #6652
Let's actually ask God to break our heart with the things that break His. Take some risks to reach your neighbor, to give, to reach out to other people, to see your time, your money, your influence, your building, and your talent as a resource to take Christ's warmth into a cold, cold world. We've got to get out there and build a fire.
A Light In Titanic's Dark Night - #6649
You know, in a sense, we're all passengers on a ship that's going down. And those of us who've been saved by Jesus know how the people around us can be saved, too. And if we tell them, as John Harper said. For them, "it will be beautiful in the morning."
Destined For Greatness - #6638
Are you someone that Jesus can build into one of His trusted disciples? Oh, maybe you've got a lot of weaknesses, I do. But once you know what Jesus says, you just do it. See, then in the major leagues of God's usefulness, you may be destined for greatness.
Delegated Life Saving - #6628
Would you begin right now to pray by name for that person you care about? Pray specifically for an opening where you can extend some spiritual CPR on the spot. Say, "Lord, I know it is not up to some evangelist. It's not up to the church. It's not up to getting a Christian book in their hands. It's up to me in my body, my flesh, my life, to share what Christ has done."
The Race To Nome - #6619
those of us who've been saved by the serum of the Gospel are responsible before God to get that serum to those who are going to die without it. Jesus expects that the driving passion of His people and His Church, will be the passion that kept Him on the cross, "to seek and save the lost" (Luke 19:10 ). In a very real sense, we hold their eternities in our hands.
Who Does Lin Play For? - #6603
Life is honestly a whole lot less confusing and conflicted when you've got only one person to please - the Person who loves you unconditionally, unendingly, unsparingly. Jesus, who abandoned His glory in heaven and the acclaim of angels to rescue you and me.
Hurricane Heroes - #6599
How much longer can we, as His Church, just keep waiting for the dying people to come to us? They're not. We have to take the life-saving Gospel of Jesus outside the walls of the life-saving station; to the street, to the office, to the plant, to the campus, the neighborhood, our service club, that nursing home, take it to the jail, take it to the gym. How can we be content any longer to sit inside our stained glass cocoon while just outside so many are dying in the storm?
It's Past Halftime! - #6581
When football players hear that warning, they throw caution to the wind, they make every second count, they do whatever it takes to get points on the board. It seems to me that Team Jesus - all of us who claim to follow Him - should be doing no less. We should be moving beyond maintenance mode to taking new ground. We should be giving like there may not be a lot more tomorrows. Forget turf, forget territory! Let's wage a united battle for the lost souls in our town!
Whose Smile You're Working For - #6567
Are you playing for the stands, you playing for the other people on the team, playing for the writers, the publicity? I'll tell you this; ultimately every other audience will prove disappointing and unappreciative. You do it for your family, sometime they'll disappoint you. For your church, for some Christian leader, for your employer, for your teachers? Count on it, sometime they're going to let you down. But the Bible says, "We serve the Lord Christ." And the thrill is taking today's activity and saying, "Lord, I'm doing it all for You."
More Of Us Than Ever - #6554
Exponential growth of souls on this planet is not just some fleeting headline; it is a mandate for the people of God. All of us, each of us, to pray differently, give differently, even plan our future differently. We certainly cannot explain to God "business as usual" because God so loved the world.